On 23 October 2012 13:45, Christoph Stich <christoph.st...@inovex.de> wrote:

>  Hi Daniel,
> output from onevm show:
> ###########################
> ID                  : 76
> NAME                : tty-linux-vlan110-vnc
> USER                : oneadmin
> GROUP               : oneadmin
> STATE               : FAILED
> LCM_STATE           : LCM_INIT
> RESCHED             : No
> START TIME          : 10/23 07:34:31
> END TIME            : 10/23 07:36:22
> DEPLOY ID           : -
> NET_TX              : 0K
> USED CPU            : 0
> USED MEMORY         : 0K
> NET_RX              : 0K
> OWNER               : um-
> GROUP               : ---
> OTHER               : ---
> CPU="0.25"
> DISK=[
>   CLONE="YES",
>   DATASTORE="minirz",
>   DATASTORE_ID="100",
>   DEV_PREFIX="hd",
>   DISK_ID="0",
>   DRIVER="raw",
>   IMAGE="ttylinux",
>   IMAGE_ID="5",
>   IMAGE_UNAME="oneadmin",
>   SAVE="NO",
>   SOURCE="/var/lib/one/datastores/100/394f515620d03290de79db6d4d25b262",
>   TARGET="hda",
>   TM_MAD="ssh",
>   TYPE="FILE" ]
>   MESSAGE="Error deploying virtual machine: Could not create domain from
> /var/lib/one//datastores/0/76/deployment.1",
>   TIMESTAMP="Tue Oct 23 07:36:22 2012" ]
>   LISTEN="",
>   PORT="5976",
>   TYPE="vnc" ]
> MEMORY="64"
> NAME="tty-linux-vlan110-vnc"
> NIC=[
>   BRIDGE="onebr26",
>   IP="",
>   MAC="02:00:ac:18:6e:15",
>   MODEL="e1000",
>   NETWORK="Vlan110-frontend",
>   NETWORK_ID="26",
>   NETWORK_UNAME="oneadmin",
>   PHYDEV="eth0",
>   VLAN="YES",
>   VLAN_ID="110" ]
> OS=[
>   ARCH="i686",
>   BOOT="hd" ]
> RAW=[
>   TYPE="kvm" ]
> VCPU="1"
> VMID="76"
>  SEQ HOST            REASON           START            TIME     PROLOG_TIME
>     0 kvmhost01       erro    10/23 07:36:16    0d 00h00m06s    0d
> 00h00m02s
> ################################################
> Output onetemplate show:
> ##################################
> ID             : 37
> NAME           : tty-linux-vlan110-vnc
> USER           : oneadmin
> GROUP          : oneadmin
> REGISTER TIME  : 10/22 04:48:52
> OWNER          : um-
> GROUP          : ---
> OTHER          : ---
> CPU="0.25"
> DISK=[
>   DRIVER="raw",
>   IMAGE="ttylinux",
>   IMAGE_UNAME="oneadmin" ]
>   LISTEN="",
>   TYPE="vnc" ]
> MEMORY="64"
> NAME="tty-linux-vlan110-vnc"
> NIC=[
>   MODEL="e1000",
>   NETWORK="Vlan110-frontend",
>   NETWORK_UNAME="oneadmin" ]
> OS=[
>   ARCH="i686",
>   BOOT="hd" ]
> RAW=[
>   TYPE="kvm" ]
> VCPU="1"
> ########################

Everything looks fine. Could you also check/send the content
of  /var/lib/one//datastores/0/76/deployment.1
and /var/log/libvirt/qemu/one-76.log


> Kind Regards
> Christoph
> Am 23.10.2012 13:25, schrieb Daniel Molina:
> On 22 October 2012 12:36, Christoph Stich <christoph.st...@inovex.de>wrote:
>>  Hi Daniel,
>> at first, thanks for the reply and the support.
>> *1) network setup/problem:*
>> in general it seems to be resolved. I got it working and the vnet is
>> bridged together with the physical interface.
>> vlan-tags are working, too.
>> The only remaining issue is: The IP leases from the vm-network seem only
>> be set to the tty-linux. I'm able to ping and connect to it.
>> The other VMs, Ubuntu Server (from the Marketplace) are not pingable. Is
>> the autoconfig of the interface not working for this?
>> *
>> *
> Currently, I am running an Ubuntu Server from the Marketplace in my
> development environment, so the image should be fine.
>>  *
>> **2) vnc setup / problem**:*
>> I added the output-file from "onetemplate show"
>  This mailing list does not allow mail attachments, could your please
> paste the output from ontemplate show and onevm show?
>  Cheers
>> Kind Regards
>> Christoph
>> Am 22.10.2012 12:12, schrieb Daniel Molina:
>> Hi,
>> On 16 October 2012 09:08, Christoph Stich <christoph.st...@inovex.de>wrote:
>>>  Dear All,
>>> I got two problems at my opennebula/kvm environment.
>>> *1) network setup*
>>> in general the one frontend and kvm host are running and connected.
>>> I can start instances of the ubuntu image (from marketplace).
>>> But I'm not able to connect to the vm via the kvm-host.
>>> At the kvm host I have a virbr0 with ip and dhcp server.
>>> I created a network at the sunstone gui, which should use the virbr0.
>>> I assigned an ip to the vm, but I'm not able to ping the vm.
>>> I do not know what I'm doing wrong in this case.
>>  Could you send us the output of "brctl show"?
>>> *2) vnc setup*
>>> The next issue has to do with vnc.
>>> I created the ca and the server/client certs. Distributed the certs to
>>> all hosts.
>>> I modified the libvirtd config / qemu config to use vnc and the certs. (
>>> http://wiki.libvirt.org/page/VNCTLSSetup)<http://wiki.libvirt.org/page/VNCTLSSetup>
>>> I installed the novnc at the one frontend.
>>> When I know create a vm at open nebula and enable the graphics > vnc,
>>> the instance can not be created and fails with the following error:
>>> Tue Oct 16 02:21:02 2012 [DiM][I]: New VM state is ACTIVE.
>>> Tue Oct 16 02:21:02 2012 [LCM][I]: New VM state is PROLOG.
>>> Tue Oct 16 02:21:02 2012 [VM][I]: Virtual Machine has no context
>>> Tue Oct 16 02:21:19 2012 [TM][I]: clone: Cloning 
>>> onefrontend:/var/lib/one/datastores/100/671dbca24b99c0c4f9199e0239446fb0 in 
>>> /var/lib/one/datastores/0/33/disk.0
>>> Tue Oct 16 02:21:19 2012 [TM][I]: ExitCode: 0
>>> Tue Oct 16 02:21:19 2012 [LCM][I]: New VM state is BOOT
>>> Tue Oct 16 02:21:19 2012 [VMM][I]: Generating deployment file: 
>>> /var/lib/one/33/deployment.0
>>> Tue Oct 16 02:21:19 2012 [VMM][I]: ExitCode: 0
>>> Tue Oct 16 02:21:19 2012 [VMM][I]: Successfully execute network driver 
>>> operation: pre.
>>> Tue Oct 16 02:21:22 2012 [VMM][I]: Command execution fail: cat << EOT | 
>>> /var/tmp/one/vmm/kvm/deploy /var/lib/one//datastores/0/33/deployment.0 
>>> kvmhost01 33 kvmhost01
>>> Tue Oct 16 02:21:22 2012 [VMM][I]: error: failed to get domain 
>>> '/var/lib/one//datastores/0/33/deployment.0'
>>> Tue Oct 16 02:21:22 2012 [VMM][I]: error: Domain not found: no domain with 
>>> matching name '/var/lib/one//datastores/0/33/deployment.0'
>>> Tue Oct 16 02:21:22 2012 [VMM][I]: error: Failed to create domain from 
>>> /var/lib/one//datastores/0/33/deployment.0
>>> Tue Oct 16 02:21:22 2012 [VMM][I]: error: Unable to read from monitor: 
>>> Connection reset by peerTue Oct 16 02:21:22 2012 [VMM][E]: Could not create 
>>> domain from /var/lib/one//datastores/0/33/deployment.0
>>> Tue Oct 16 02:21:22 2012 [VMM][I]: ExitCode: 255
>>> Tue Oct 16 02:21:22 2012 [VMM][I]: Failed to execute virtualization driver 
>>> operation: deploy.Tue Oct 16 02:21:22 2012 [VMM][E]: Error deploying 
>>> virtual machine: Could not create domain from 
>>> /var/lib/one//datastores/0/33/deployment.0
>>> Tue Oct 16 02:21:22 2012 [DiM][I]: New VM state is FAILED
>>>  Please, send us the template you're trying to instantiate.
>>  Cheers
>>>  I checked the permissions of folders and tested the setup without tls
>>> but the same error occured.
>>> I checked the following guide:
>>> http://opennebula.org/documentation:rel3.6:sunstone#vnc_troubleshooting
>>> But it did not help.
>>> I already downloaded the following file:
>>> https://github.com/kanaka/websockify/downloads
>>> and replaced the old websockify.
>>> Thanks in advance for your time.
>>> Regards
>>> Chris
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>>  --
>> Daniel Molina
>> Project Engineer
>> OpenNebula - The Open Source Solution for Data Center Virtualization
>> www.OpenNebula.org | dmol...@opennebula.org | @OpenNebula
>  --
> Daniel Molina
> Project Engineer
> OpenNebula - The Open Source Solution for Data Center Virtualization
> www.OpenNebula.org | dmol...@opennebula.org | @OpenNebula

Daniel Molina
Project Engineer
OpenNebula - The Open Source Solution for Data Center Virtualization
www.OpenNebula.org | dmol...@opennebula.org | @OpenNebula
Users mailing list

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