On Thu, 22 Nov 2012 23:54:17 +0100, Rodolfo Conte Brufatto <rcbrufa...@gmail.com> wrote:

I did that, but i was messing around ealrier and then i removed the noVNC includes in /usr/llib/one for sunstone UI. Then after I ran it again and this directory is still empty. May i copy the /usr/share/opennebula/sunstone/public/vendor/noVNC directory to /usr/lib/one/sunstone/public/vendor/noVNC/include again? Thx!

No, the files need to be the version installed by the install_novnc.sh script for 3.8.1. If they are not or they nore present remove the whole noVNC folder and rerun the script. If it cannot put the files in place it should complain I guess...

Hector Sanjuan
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