Hi, everyone!
    I'm develpment lxc driver for opennebula and i complete the basic functions 
now, but i meet a problem as follows.
    from the log, we can see opennbula execute "cancel" fistrly  and then 
execute "tm_delete.sh", But the result is  cancel: Executed "virsh --connect 
lxc:/// destroy lxc-5". after "tm_delete.sh".
    so some files cann't be removed beacause they are using! I think kvm have 
the same problem in the sequence between "cancel" and "tm_delete.sh", however 
it's allowed to remove a image file, for example "raw" type image file.

12527 Thu Dec  6 11:52:38 2012 [DiM][D]: Finalizing VM 5
12528 Thu Dec  6 11:52:38 2012 [VMM][D]: Message received: LOG I 5 Driver 
command for 5 cancelled
12532 Thu Dec  6 11:52:38 2012 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG I 5 tm_delete.sh: 
Deleting /one_images/5/images
12534 Thu Dec  6 11:52:38 2012 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG E 5 tm_delete.sh: 
Command "ssh node1 sudo rm -rf /one_images/5/images"        failed.
12536 Thu Dec  6 11:52:38 2012 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG E 5 tm_delete.sh: 
rm: cannot remove `/one_images/5/images/lxc/rootfs/         run': Device or 
resource busy
12538 Thu Dec  6 11:52:38 2012 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG I 5 rm: cannot 
remove `/one_images/5/images/lxc/rootfs/dev/pts': Device       or resource busy
12540 Thu Dec  6 11:52:38 2012 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG I 5 rm: cannot 
remove `/one_images/5/images/lxc/rootfs/proc': Device or       resource busy
12542 Thu Dec  6 11:52:38 2012 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG I 5 rm: cannot 
remove `/one_images/5/images/lxc/rootfs/sys': Device or        resource busy
12544 Thu Dec  6 11:52:38 2012 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG I 5 rm: cannot 
remove `/one_images/5/images/lxc/rootfs/selinux': Device       or resource busy 
12546 Thu Dec  6 11:52:38 2012 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG E 5 Error 
deleting /one_images/5/images
12548 Thu Dec  6 11:52:38 2012 [TM][D]: Message received: LOG I 5 ExitCode: 1
12550 Thu Dec  6 11:52:38 2012 [TM][D]: Message received: TRANSFER FAILURE 5 
Error deleting /one_images/5/images
12552 Thu Dec  6 11:52:39 2012 [VMM][D]: Message received: LOG I 5cancel: 
Executed "virsh --connect lxc:/// destroy lxc-5".
12554 Thu Dec  6 11:52:39 2012 [VMM][D]: Message received: LOG I 5 ExitCode: 0
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