Hello list

I got to know OpenNebula back in 2.2/2.4 and I really loved it, it was
just so easy to configure, I could do things however I wanted; it was
possible to just export /home/me in my laptop and 2 minutes later I
had a cluster working... running someone else's VMs was just as easy,
modify the template to point to a USB mount and launch it, no
registering or copying needed...

I use ONE mostly for live demonstrations and prototyping, so the
minimum required configuration that I've seen is really overkill for
me, no to mention that now I can't just go into the repository and
share a VM since it's named after some md5-like string which means
nothing to a human.

So after all that rant this is the question:
Is there a way to mimic the absolute path (source) behavior of 2.2?

I don't really mind registering the images, as long as they remain
where I happen to have them and with the meaningful name that I give


Do not let me induce you to satisfy my curiosity, from an expectation,
that I shall gratify yours. What I may judge proper to conceal, does
not concern myself alone.
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