Hi Gary,

thank you for your fast response,
my idea is to have an NFS and a local datastore, which are system datastores, to store the images of the running vms. Then you can create vms with faster disk (local) or slower disk (NFS). I've tried to have two systems datastores in the same cluster and it's possible. From what I understood, when you create a vm, the image is copied from the image datastore to the default system datastore, which you define in the cluster as SYSTEM_DS. I don't know if its possible to create a vm in a different datastore than the cluster's default.

I don't know if I'm missing something about the copy process or something.... Basically I would like to decide, when I create a vm, to give it faster or slower disk depending on what I need. In my point of view I think that if you use image datastores faster, you only will take advantage of the speed when is copying, one time copied it's going to be slower if its copied in a slower NFS datastore.

Best regards,

On 12/17/2012 04:42 PM, Gary S. Cuozzo wrote:
Hello Oriol,
I don't think you can have more than one system datastore, but I could be wrong 
about that.  But, unless I misunderstand your goal, I don't think you need to 
have more than one.  You should simply be able to define 2 datastores and 
associate each with the cluster.  I have a similar setup to what you describe, 
I have a cluster that has 2 different NFS datastores, a local file datastore, 
and an iSCSI datastore.  I can use images from any/all datastores in a single 
vm (though I actually don't).

Hope that helps,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Oriol Martí" <oma...@cesca.cat>
To: users@lists.opennebula.org
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 9:53:43 AM
Subject: [one-users] Two System Datafiles in the same cluster


somebody knows if it is possible to have two system datastores in a cluster and 
create VM in the same host but in different datastores?
I've my default SYSTEM_DS="101" in the cluster, I've tried to add to the MV 
template to change the datastore which the vm is created:
(I don't know if this is correct)
But the VM does not boot, and is in pending state. Somebody know if is possible or I have to create two clusters one with the datastore 101 and another one with the datastore 103?

My idea is to have one cluster with one NFS datastore and another local-file 



        / /          Oriol Martí Bonvehí
  C E / S / C A      Administrador de Sistemes
      /_/            Centre de Supercomputació de Catalunya

  Gran Capità, 2-4 (Edifici Nexus) · 08034 Barcelona
  T. 93 551 6212  · F.  93 205 6979 · oma...@cesca.cat

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