
You will probably find more useful messages in the log file,

It looks like the host is in error state, so OpenNebula can't monitor it
properly. Did you configure the passwordless ssh access (for the oneadmin
user) to Host01?

Carlos Martín, MSc
Project Engineer
OpenNebula - The Open-source Solution for Data Center Virtualization
www.OpenNebula.org | cmar...@opennebula.org |

On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 5:30 PM, Johannes Thome <
johannes.th...@electrica.cujae.edu.cu> wrote:

> Hello, I installed Opennebula 3.8.3 with sunstone on a 64 bit computer
> with ubuntu 12.04
> i have only one pc so i have only the front-end. Hopefully it works if i
> try to run the VM's on my computer.
> Please check somebody if i missed something in my installation or
> configuration and why i got this error in Sunstone:
> MESSAGE         Error executing image transfer script: Error copying
> chivas-Aspire-5755G:/var/lib/**one/datastores/1/**
> e709ae07335f01fdb1d23730860d07**d6 to Host01:/var/lib/one//**
> datastores/0/0/disk.0
> ------------------------------**------------------------------**
> ----------------------
> How I installed Opennebula 3.8.3 with KVM:
> Programs which are useful for the installation process:
> Mc
> # apt-get install mc
> Synaptic:
> # apt-get install synaptic
> Download open nebula version 3.8.3 Tarbell for Ubuntu 12.04 from the
> internet:
> http://downloads.opennebula.**org/ <http://downloads.opennebula.org/>
> or use the downloaded file you should receive with this Documentation.
> Also you receive some Gems you have to use them because the normal
> installation of the gems fails.
> I am going to explain later how to install a Gem manually.
> Unzip with mc „Ubuntu-12.04-opennebula-3.8.**3.tar.gz“ to:
> /home/user/Desktop/install
> Change the permissions of all files:
> # cd /home/user/Desktop/install
> # chmod -R 755 * (to chance the permission of all files in that folder)
> The order of packages installation:
> opennebula-common: provides the user and common files
> libopennebula-ruby: all ruby libraries
> opennebula-node: prepares a node as an opennebula-node
> opennebula-sunstone: OpenNebula Sunstone Web Interface
> opennebula-tools: Command Line interface
> opennebula: OpenNebula Daemon
> If any of this packages gives you an error use the following command to
> fix the issue:
> # apt-get install -f
> opennebula-common: provides the user and common files
> # dpkg -i opennebula-common_3.8.3-1_all.**deb
> libopennebula-ruby: all ruby libraries
> # dpkg -i ruby-opennebula_3.8.3-1_all.**deb
> opennebula-node: prepares a node as an opennebula-node
> # dpkg -i opennebula-node_3.8.3-1_all.**deb
> opennebula-sunstone: OpenNebula Sunstone Web Interface
> # dpkg -i opennebula-sunstone_3.8.3-1_**all.deb
> opennebula-tools: Command Line interface
> # dpkg -i opennebula-tools_3.8.3-1_all.**deb
> opennebula: OpenNebula Daemon
> # dpkg -i opennebula_3.8.3-1_amd64.deb
> After the basic installation it is necessary to install the Gems for ruby.
> There for open mc in the terminal and go to the folder
> /usr/share/opennebula/ and run the install_gems script.
> It will fail in the second part of the script but it is necessary to run
> it because the first part of the skript is also important.
> Start mc from the console to install the gems manually.
> # mc
> unzip the gems and copy the content of each of them to
> /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/:
> amazon-ec2-0.9.17.gem
> curb-0.8.3.gem
> daemons-1.1.9.gem
> eventmachine-1.0.0.gem
> json-1.7.6.gem
> mysql-2.9.0.gem
> net-ldap-0.3.1.gem
> nokogiri-1.5.6.gem
> rack-1.5.0.gem
> rack-protection-1.3.2.gem
> rake-10.0.3.gem
> rubygems-update-1.8.24.gem
> sequel-3.43.0.gem
> sinatra-1.3.4.gem
> sqlite3-1.3.7.gem
> thin-1.5.0.gem
> tilt-1.3.3.gem
> uuidtools-2.1.3.gem
> xml-simple-1.1.2.gem
> and chance their permissions.
> ------------------------------**------------------------------**
> ------------------------------**----
> after that i configured Open nebula for KVM like this:
> # apt-get install qemu-utils qemu-kvm
> KVM Configuration
> Modify /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf
> Qemu should be configured to not change file ownership. Modify
> /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf to
> include dynamic_ownership = 0. To be able to use the images copied by
> OpenNebula, change also
> the user and group under which the libvirtd is run to ”oneadmin”:
> # grep -vE ’^($|#)’ /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf
> user = "oneadmin"
> group = "cloud" (because i don't have a group named oneadmin)
> dynamic_ownership = 0
> The user with access to these remotes hosts on behalf of OpenNebula
> (typically <oneadmin>) has
> to pertain to the <libvirtd> and <kvm> groups in order to use the deaemon
> and be able to launch
> Vms.
> If apparmor is active (by default in Ubuntu it is), you should add
> /var/lib/one to the end of
> /etc/apparmor.d/libvirt-qemu
>  (if not exits create this file)
> owner /var/lib/one/** rw,
> /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf : Uncomment ”listen tcp = 1”. Security
> configuration is left to the
> admin’s choice, file is full of useful comments to achieve a correct
> configuration. As a tip, if you
> don’t want to use TLS for connections set listen_tls = 0.
> /etc/default/libvirt-bin : add -l option to libvirtd_opts
> check because set is by default:
> OpenNebula needs to know if it is going to use the KVM Driver. To achieve
> this, uncomment these
> drivers in /etc/one/oned.conf (they were like in the description)
> ------------------------------**------------------------------**
> ------------------------------**-------
> I restarted opennebula and sunstone and started to try out if it is
> working or not
> i created a host:
> Host information - Host01
> id      0
> Name    Host01
> Cluster         -
> State   ERROR
> IM MAD  im_kvm
> VM MAD  vmm_kvm
> VN MAD  dummy
> Host shares
> Total Mem       0K
> Used Mem (real)         0K
> Used Mem (allocated)    0K
> Total CPU       0
> Used CPU (real)         0
> Used CPU (allocated)    0
> Running VMs     0
> Host template
> MESSAGE         Error monitoring host 0 : MONITOR FAILURE 0 -
> TIMESTAMP       Wed Jan 30 14:32:48 2013
> ------------------------------**------------------------------**
> ------------
> a fixed network:
> Virtual Network 0 information
> ID      0
> Name    Network
> Cluster         -
> Owner   oneadmin
> Group   oneadmin
> Bridge  vbr1
> VLAN    no
> Physical device         --
> VLAN ID         --
> Permissions
>      Owner      um-
>      Group      ---
>      Other      ---
> ------------------------------**------------------------------**-----
> a ttylinux image:
> Image "ttylinux - kvm" information
> ID      0
> Name    ttylinux - kvm
> Datastore       default
> Owner   oneadmin
> Group   oneadmin
> Type    OS
> Register time   10:57:57 01/30/2013
> Persistent      no
> Source  /var/lib/one/datastores/1/**e709ae07335f01fdb1d23730860d07**d6
> Path    /home/chivas/Desktop/ttylinux.**img
> Filesystem type         --
> Size (Mb)       40
> State   USED
> Running #VMS    1
> Permissions
>      Owner      um-
>      Group      ---
>      Other      ---
> Image template
> DEV_PREFIX      hd
> DRIVER  raw
> ------------------------------**------------------------------**
> ----------------------
> and a template for the virtual machine:
> Template
> NAME    Template01
> OS
> BOOT    hd
> ARCH    x86_64
> IMAGE_UNAME     oneadmin
> IMAGE   ttylinux - kvm
> VCPU    1
> CPU     0.5
> TYPE    kvm
> NETWORK_UNAME   oneadmin
> NETWORK         Network
> MEMORY  2048
> TYPE    vnc
> TYPE    mouse
> BUS     usb
> ------------------------------**------------------------------**
> ---------------
> i built my VM and tryed to deploy the host... he was on error first i
> enabled him again.
> Virtual Machine information - one-0
> ID      0
> Name    one-0
> Owner   oneadmin
> Group   oneadmin
> State   FAILED
> LCM State       LCM_INIT
> Host    --
> Start time      11:05:07 01/30/2013
> Deploy ID       -
> Permissions
>      Owner      um-
>      Group      ---
>      Other      ---
> ************************************************
> VM template
> NAME    one-0
> OS
> BOOT    hd
> ARCH    x86_64
> MESSAGE         Error executing image transfer script: Error copying
> chivas-Aspire-5755G:/var/lib/**one/datastores/1/**
> e709ae07335f01fdb1d23730860d07**d6 to Host01:/var/lib/one//**
> datastores/0/0/disk.0
> TIMESTAMP       Wed Jan 30 12:35:11 2013
> READONLY        NO
> TARGET  hda
> IMAGE_ID        0
> DEV_PREFIX      hd
> DATASTORE       default
> TM_MAD  shared
> SOURCE  /var/lib/one/datastores/1/**e709ae07335f01fdb1d23730860d07**d6
> IMAGE_UNAME     oneadmin
> DRIVER  raw
> DISK_ID         0
> SAVE    NO
> IMAGE   ttylinux - kvm
> VMID    0
> VCPU    1
> CPU     0.5
> TYPE    kvm
> NETWORK_ID      0
> NETWORK_UNAME   oneadmin
> BRIDGE  vbr1
> NETWORK         Network
> IP
> VLAN    NO
> MAC     02:00:c0:a8:02:64
> MEMORY  2048
> PORT    5900
> TYPE    vnc
> TYPE    mouse
> BUS     usb
> so the error is:
> MESSAGE         Error executing image transfer script: Error copying
> chivas-Aspire-5755G:/var/lib/**one/datastores/1/**
> e709ae07335f01fdb1d23730860d07**d6 to Host01:/var/lib/one//**
> datastores/0/0/disk.0
> what can i do to fix it?
> Thanks for the help and greetings
> Johannes Thomé
> 48 Aniversario del Instituto Superior Politecnico Jose Antonio Echeverria,
> Cujae
> Una obra de la Revolucion Cubana | 2 de diciembre de 1964 |
> http://cujae.edu.cu
> Consulte la enciclopedia colaborativa cubana. http://www.ecured.cu
> ______________________________**_________________
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