Hi All,

I am sending the sunstone.log with this mail for vnc problem.

== Sinatra/1.3.5 has taken the stage on 9869 for development with backup
from Thin
/var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/sinatra-1.3.5/lib/sinatra/base.rb:912: command not
found: /usr/share/one/noVNC  35821 oneadmin:5945

I have installed gems and noVNC successfully at /srv/cloud/one/share . I
haveadded  vnc_proxy_path: /usr/share/one/noVNC/utils for websockify in
When I click on the vnc icon for running vm in sunstone nothing appears on
screen only one messgae comes that vm submitted.

I checked the sunstone.log the vnc is starting.

Tried every solution given on opennebula site and tried solutions proposed
in users mailing list present on net.

Unable to solve the problem . Plz help.

Thanks in advance .

Prachi D.
Users mailing list

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