That's excellent! Thank you for the reply. 

Hi Gary 


1. Can I safely remove them? I would think so, but want to double-check before 
I hose something up. 

Yes you can removed them. Once the VM is running again the file is not used 
anymore. In case you need to save the VM again a new checkpoint is generated 


2. Should they have been deleted once the vm was successfully resumed? 


At least this should be configurable in the driver file. Currently when you 
save a VM we move previous checkpoint files to checkpoint.<epoch> in case you 
need them if something goes wrong. See [1], I've filled an issue to take a look 
at this [2] 



Thanks for the feedback! 


Ruben S. Montero, PhD 
Project co-Lead and Chief Architect 
OpenNebula - The Open Source Solution for Data Center Virtualization | | @OpenNebula 
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