Hello all, 
Is there a way to have a VM user/group ownership (and potentially ACL's) be set 
based on values in the template? 

Here is my use case: 
Currently, all of our VM's are one of a kind. Each VM is based on a unique 
template and uses persistent images. It is the virtual equivalent of colocated 
servers where each customer has their own dedicated and customized servers. We 
basically manage the images & templates, but want to give users access to their 
vm for start/stop/vnc. 

What I have right now is I create a user/group for each customer. The I set the 
ownership of the resources to be their user & group. When we instantiate the 
VM, we have to remember to set the ownership accordingly or it will not show up 
as a resource when they login to sunstone. 

It would be ideal if there was a way to specify, in the template, the default 
user and group which should own the VM and the ACL's. It would also be nice if 
the default name of the VM could be set (Though I think there may already be a 
feature being added for this). This way, if we had to stop & recreate the VM 
instance (such as for adding more resources), we could do it without having to 
remember to set permissions manually. 

Let me know what you think. 


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