Hello Jamie,

Well, I'm able to ssh from the host to the VM, so we're making progress at
least :)

When I add vnet0 to the in_port= I get the following error:

>> root@loki:~# ovs-ofctl add-flow ovsbr0
>> ovs-ofctl: vnet0: bad syntax for in_port

When I set in_pot=LOCAL, the command is accepted, but the server is unable
to make outbound connections, so I don't think that's the solution:

>> root@loki:~# ovs-ofctl add-flow ovsbr0

>> root@loki:~# ovs-ofctl show ovsbr0
>> OFPT_FEATURES_REPLY (xid=0x1): ver:0x1, dpid:000000259030761a
>> n_tables:255, n_buffers:256
>> features: capabilities:0xc7, actions:0xfff
>>  1(eth0): addr:00:25:90:30:76:1a
>>      config:     0
>>      state:      0
>>      current:    1GB-FD COPPER AUTO_NEG
>>      advertised: 10MB-HD 10MB-FD 100MB-HD 100MB-FD 1GB-FD COPPER AUTO_NEG
>>      supported:  10MB-HD 10MB-FD 100MB-HD 100MB-FD 1GB-FD COPPER AUTO_NEG
>>  2(br0): addr:22:de:1a:d5:63:74
>>      config:     0
>>      state:      0
>>  7(vnet0): addr:fe:00:44:47:83:43
>>      config:     0
>>      state:      0
>>      current:    10MB-FD COPPER
>>  8(vnet1): addr:fe:00:44:47:83:44
>>      config:     0
>>      state:      0
>>      current:    10MB-FD COPPER
>>  LOCAL(ovsbr0): addr:00:25:90:30:76:1a
>>      config:     PORT_DOWN
>>      state:      LINK_DOWN
>> OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REPLY (xid=0x3): frags=normal miss_send_len=0

I guess I really don't understand what the correct syntax is to create a
flow in this manner, so I'm kinda spinning my wheels.  (I've been creating
ports with `ovs-vsctl add-port`).

Thanks for all your help,
Jon A

On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 4:16 PM, Jon <three1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Jamie,
> Thanks for getting back to me.
> >> Yes, brcompat is now no longer required, and we recommend that if
> you're using kvm/libvirt you shouldn't enable the brcompat module
> Awesome, thanks for clarifying that for me.
> >> We recommend doing it like this:
> >> oneadmin    ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/ovs-ofctl
> Gotcha, so ovs-ofctl is the only command that oneadmin needs to use.
> That makes perfect sense, thanks.
> Ok, I'm reporting your steps out of order because I think the pertinent
> information is this first bit.
> --5) finally, do $ sudo ovs_ofctl dump-ports ovsbr0 <vnet>
> Here we go:
> >>  root@loki:~# ovs-ofctl dump-ports ovsbr0 vnet0
> >> OFPST_PORT reply (xid=0x1): 1 ports
> >>  port  7: rx pkts=34, bytes=1644, drop=0, errs=0, frame=0, over=0, crc=0
> >>           tx pkts=277, bytes=16622, drop=0, errs=0, coll=0
> --3) do virsh dumpxml one-<vmid>
> Here's the relevant stanza:
> >>    <interface type='bridge'>
> >>      <mac address='02:00:44:47:83:43'/>
> >>      <source bridge='ovsbr0'/>
> >>      <virtualport type='openvswitch'>
> >>        <parameters interfaceid='79c73248-4ebf-cc14-9f98-98be2d2a785b'/>
> >>      </virtualport>
> >>      <target dev='vnet0'/>
> >>      <alias name='net0'/>
> >>      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x03'
> function='0x0'/>
> >>    </interface>
> -- 4) this bit of code should be able to extract the tap interface from
> the previous output:
> Honestly, my ruby is a bit rusty, what do I have to provide as "vm"? is
> that just the virsh xml config?
> maybe something along the lines of:
> #!/usr/bin/ruby
> def get_tap(vm)
>     dumpxml = vm.vm_info[:dumpxml]
>         if dumpxml
>             dumpxml_root = REXML::Document.new(dumpxml).root
>             xpath = "devices/interface[@type='bridge']/"
>             xpath << "mac[@address='#{self[:mac]}']/../target"
>             tap = dumpxml_root.elements[xpath]
>             if tap
>                 self[:tap] = tap.attributes['dev']
>             end
>         end
>     self
> end
> get_tap(STDIN)
> then I could:
> >> root@loki:~# virsh dumpxml one-37 | ruby interface.rb
> This results in the following error:
> >> interface.rb:5:in `get_tap': undefined method `vm_info' for
> #<IO:<STDIN>> (NoMethodError)
> >>        from interface.rb:18:in `<main>'
> so I think my input is not valid...  I -think- vm should be some sort of
> object so maybe the problem is getting from XML to an object of "vm" type?
> Thanks for the assistance,
> Jon A
> On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 5:01 AM, Jaime Melis <jme...@opennebula.org>wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> I know that previous versions of opennebula required
>>> openvswitch-brcompat
>>> >>
>>> http://opennebula.org/documentation:rel3.8:openvswitch#hosts_configuration
>>> but the 4.0 docs seem to indicate that with KVM brcompat is not required:
>>> >>
>>> http://opennebula.org/documentation:rel4.0:openvswitch#ovswitch_and_ovswitch_brcompat
>>> Anyway, I did install the openvswitch-brcompat package, but got the same
>>> error.
>>> (looking at the docs now, it seems that you have to tell the OpenNebula
>>> to use a different openvswitch driver,
>>> specifically openvswitch_brcompat, so I think this test may have been
>>> incomplete)
>> Yes, brcompat is now no longer required, and we recommend that if you're
>> using kvm/libvirt you shouldn't enable the brcompat module
>>> Then I attempted to run the ovs command at the command line, when I do
>>> so, I get the following error:
>>> >> root@loki:~# sudo /usr/bin/ovs-ofctl add-flow ovsbr0
>>> in_port=,dl_src=02:00:44:47:83:44,priority=40000,actions=normal
>>> >> ovs-ofctl: dl_src=02:00:44:47:83:44: bad syntax for in_port
>>> I think this might be the root cause of the issue?  Where is "in_port"
>>> defined?
>>> I don't see it in the onevnet template, but that doesn't mean I didn't
>>> just miss it.
>> Exactly, that's the root cause, the in_port is not being found correctly.
>> I propose you do this to figure things out:
>> 1) (in the worker node i.e. 'loki')
>> disable /var/lib/one/remotes/vnm/ovswitch/post by adding exit 0 at line 2
>> of that script
>> 2) launch the virtual machine, it should get to running
>> 3) do virsh dumpxml one-<vmid>
>> 4) this bit of code should be able to extract the tap interface from the
>> previous output:
>> https://github.com/OpenNebula/one/blob/master/src/vnm_mad/remotes/OpenNebulaNic.rb#L59
>>  (get_tap
>> for the NicKVM class)
>> can you try so manually extracting that bit of code and providing the
>> info it needs see if it's working correctly?
>> Otherwise, you can figure it out manually, we're looking for something
>> like vnetX (let's call that <vnet>)
>> 5) finally, do
>> $ sudo ovs_ofctl dump-ports ovsbr0 <vnet>
>>> But this seems less than ideal.  Also, I think the incorrect syntax is
>>> the root cause of the issue, if there are other issues.
>> We recommend doing it like this:
>> oneadmin    ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/ovs-ofctl
>> cheers,
>> Jaime
>> --
>> Jaime Melis
>> Project Engineer
>> OpenNebula - The Open Source Toolkit for Cloud Computing
>> www.OpenNebula.org | jme...@opennebula.org
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