On 2013-05-23 12:25, Daniel Molina wrote:
On 23 May 2013 10:42, Rolandas Naujikas <rolandas.nauji...@mif.vu.lt> wrote:

I'm trying to customize sunstone 4.0. I created mini.yaml with copy of a
user.yaml. I want to put some tabs (like vms, templates, images, files) on
top level and I don't find easy way to do that. My attempt to copy
vms-tab.js to vms2-tab.js (templates-tab -> templates2-tab, images-tab ->
images2-tab also) and comment parentTab and tabClass properties works
partially (sunstone starts to misbehavior - most buttons don't click

Note that if you change the file name you will have to change the following
lines in the code

   <div class="six columns">' + insert_permissions_table('templates-tab',
   Sunstone.popUpInfoPanel("template_info_panel", "templates-tab");
   var tab_name = 'templates-tab';

I did sed 's/templates-tab/templates2-tab/g' templates2-tab.js already after copying templates-tab.js to templates2-tab.js.

Regards, Rolandas

Regards, Rolandas

P.S. In mean time I found a mistake in default admin.yaml -
"VM.livemigrate" should be "VM.migrate_live".

Thank you, http://dev.opennebula.org/issues/2079


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