On 2013-06-01 05:07, Dmitri Chebotarov wrote:

I'm seeing following interesting behavior :

I've a VM in RUNNING state, everything works OK. Then I issue
'shutdown' command from within the running OS (ie. it's a Linux VM
and I run 'init 0' to shut it down), the VM shuts down OK, but the
ONE's state changes from RUNNING to UNKNOWN and I cannot start the VM

onevm restart should work to boot again VM.

anymore. I expected the status to change to SHUTDOWN, which would
allow me to start the VM later.

OpenNebula cannot guess want you are doing inside of VM.
If you want really shutdown VM and remove it from OpenNebula, you have to do that from OpenNebula.

Regards, Rolandas

I watched 'virsh list -all' on the host while doing it, and status of
the VM changes from 'running' to 'in shutdown' for about 10-14
seconds and then VM is removed from the host (I assume by ONE).

Am I missing something? Or is it expected?

ACPI is enabled for the VM and I can send Shutdown signal to the VM
from the Sunstore interface, which changes the state to SHUTDOWN, but
not when I run 'shutdown' from within the OK.

Any suggestions?

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