Hey Bill,

So let me ask you this.  How do you create rbd images?  I'm attempting to
create a blank datastore, but qemu-img convert keeps segfaulting.
Any suggestions are appreciated.

root@red6:~# qemu-img convert -O rbd
/var/tmp/61e14679af7dd1e0e1e09e230c89f82a rbd:one/one-17
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

The oned log indicates the same:

Wed Jul 10 17:52:30 2013 [ImM][I]: Creating disk at  of 5120Mb (type: ext4)
Wed Jul 10 17:52:31 2013 [ImM][I]: Command execution fail:
Wed Jul 10 17:52:31 2013 [ImM][E]: mkfs: Command "    set -e
Wed Jul 10 17:52:31 2013 [ImM][I]:
Wed Jul 10 17:52:31 2013 [ImM][I]: # create and format
Wed Jul 10 17:52:31 2013 [ImM][I]: dd if=/dev/zero
of=/var/tmp/61e14679af7dd1e0e1e09e230c89f82a bs=1 count=1 seek=5120M
Wed Jul 10 17:52:31 2013 [ImM][I]: mkfs -t ext4 -F
Wed Jul 10 17:52:31 2013 [ImM][I]:
Wed Jul 10 17:52:31 2013 [ImM][I]: # create rbd
Wed Jul 10 17:52:31 2013 [ImM][I]: qemu-img convert -O rbd
/var/tmp/61e14679af7dd1e0e1e09e230c89f82a rbd:one/one-17
Wed Jul 10 17:52:31 2013 [ImM][I]:
Wed Jul 10 17:52:31 2013 [ImM][I]: # remove original
Wed Jul 10 17:52:31 2013 [ImM][I]: rm -f
/var/tmp/61e14679af7dd1e0e1e09e230c89f82a" failed: 1+0 records in
Wed Jul 10 17:52:31 2013 [ImM][I]: 1+0 records out
Wed Jul 10 17:52:31 2013 [ImM][I]: 1 byte (1 B) copied, 0.000232576 s, 4.3
Wed Jul 10 17:52:31 2013 [ImM][I]: mke2fs 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012)
Wed Jul 10 17:52:31 2013 [ImM][I]: Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Wed Jul 10 17:52:31 2013 [ImM][E]: Error registering one/one-17 in localhost
Wed Jul 10 17:52:31 2013 [ImM][I]: ExitCode: 139
Wed Jul 10 17:52:31 2013 [ImM][E]: Error creating datablock: Error
registering one/one-17 in localhost

My image definition looks like this:


ID             : 17
NAME           : ubuntu-server-13.04-x86_64
USER           : oneadmin
GROUP          : oneadmin
DATASTORE      : rbd1
TYPE           : DATABLOCK
REGISTER TIME  : 07/10 17:52:30
SOURCE         :
FSTYPE         : ext4
SIZE           : 5G
STATE          : err


OWNER          : um-
GROUP          : ---
OTHER          : ---


ERROR="Wed Jul 10 17:52:31 2013 : Error creating datablock: Error
registering one/one-17 in localhost"

Jon A

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 5:14 PM, Jon <three1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey Bill,
> Thanks for this.  This works perfectly!
> Thanks,
> Jon A
> On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 6:44 AM, Campbell, Bill <
> bcampb...@axcess-financial.com> wrote:
>> Not entirely.  You shouldn’t need to manually create/mount an RBD for the
>> system datastore.  Since the system datastore holds the running VM
>> deployment files (and not necessarily an RBD image, just a reference to it
>> in the deployment file) then this directory does not necessarily need to be
>> shared.****
>> ** **
>> Here’s what we do:****
>> ** **
>> **·         **OpenNebula system configured with no special
>> exports/shares.****
>> **·         **The System datastore is modified to use the SSH transfer
>> manager****
>> **·         **We modify the SSH transfer manager pre/post migrate
>> scripts (by default located in /var/lib/one/remotes/tm/ssh/) to copy files
>> from the source host to the destination host prior to migration/delete
>> files on source after successful migration.****
>> ** **
>> Don’t worry about mapping/unmapping RBD volumes.  When creating/importing
>> images into the Ceph datastore the RBDs should be created at this point.
>> So long as the Hypervisor nodes can see/interact with the Ceph cluster,
>> when you deploy the VM it will use the RBD in the cluster for storage (no
>> files copied/mapped locally, all handled by QEMU).****
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> Here is the pre-migrate script we use (very simple):****
>> ** **
>> *#!/bin/bash*
>> * *
>> *SRC=$1*
>> *DST=$2*
>> *REMDIR=$3*
>> *VMID=$4*
>> *DSID=$5*
>> *TEMPLATE=$6*
>> * *
>> *ssh $DST mkdir -p /var/lib/one/datastores/0/$VMID*
>> * *
>> *ssh $SRC scp /var/lib/one/datastores/0/$VMID/*
>> $DST:/var/lib/one/datastores/0/$VMID/*
>> * *
>> *exit 0*
>> ** **
>> And the post-migrate script:****
>> ** **
>> *#!/bin/bash*
>> ** **
>> *SRC=$1*
>> *DST=$2*
>> *REMDIR=$3*
>> *VMID=$4*
>> *DSID=$5*
>> *TEMPLATE=$6*
>> * *
>> *ssh $SRC rm -rf /var/lib/one/datastores/0/$VMID*
>> * *
>> *exit 0*
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> Hope this helps!****
>> ** **
>> *From:* Jon [mailto:three1...@gmail.com]
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, July 10, 2013 12:01 AM
>> *To:* Campbell, Bill
>> *Cc:* Users OpenNebula
>> *Subject:* Re: [one-users] How to use Ceph/RBD for System Datastore****
>> ** **
>> Hey Bill,****
>> ** **
>> Thanks for getting back to me.  ****
>> ** **
>> If I'm understanding you correctly, you're basically using the ssh
>> transfer manager to perform live migrations?****
>> Do you then create/mount one rbd per host?****
>> ** **
>> E.g.,  ****
>> ** **
>> host1:****
>> mount /dev/rbd/rbd/host1-one-system /var/lib/one/datastores/0****
>> ** **
>> host2:****
>> mount /dev/rbd/rbd/host2-one-system /var/lib/one/datastores/0****
>> ** **
>> then use the modified ssh drivers to perform the migrations?****
>> ** **
>> I would definitely be interested in learning how you accomplished that.**
>> **
>> ** **
>> My other thought was to use CephFS for shared storage.  This would
>> eliminate the need for a NFS/GlusterFS/CLVM, which is an extra layer of
>> complexity I would like to avoid.  As I understand it though, CephFS isn't
>> "ready for prime-time" which gives me pause...  ****
>> ** **
>> Thanks again,****
>> Jon A****
>> On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 7:55 PM, Campbell, Bill <
>> bcampb...@axcess-financial.com> wrote:****
>> Jon,****
>> I think I understand what you are trying to do, but I think it doesn't
>> quite work that way.  Let me try to explain (and please let me know if I
>> don't explain it well enough ;-))****
>> ** **
>> I don't think that you can use Ceph directly as a system datastore.  The
>> way the Ceph datastore driver works for migrations is leveraging whatever
>> transfer method you have for the system datastore to perform the migration.
>>  For example, if you use the 'shared' system datastore, then it will use
>> that transfer manager's pre and post migration drivers.  For 'ssh', the ssh
>> drivers, and so on.  The way the Ceph datastore is implemented is as Ceph
>> Block Devices, so unfortunately there is not a way to use it as a simple
>> shared volume.****
>> ** **
>> There are 2 potential solutions for getting live migrations working for
>> your Ceph datastore VMs:****
>>    - Create a shared NFS volume (or other 'sharable' filesystem, like
>>    GFS2, OCFS2, etc., however these are much more complicated to configure 
>> and
>>    usually not worth the hassle) and have the shared volume mounted to the
>>    same location on each hypervisor node.  In a previous test deployment, we
>>    just exported out the /var/lib/one/vms directory to the hypervisors.  At
>>    this point, all of the hypervisors should be able to see the deployment
>>    files in the same location and you should be able to perform a migration.
>>    ****
>>    - Use SSH as the transfer manager for your system datastore, and
>>    modify the pre and post-migrate scripts to copy the deployment files from
>>    the current VM host to the target VM host.  This is the method we use
>>    currently in our deployment, as it is one less configuration step that we
>>    have to worry about maintaining on each node, and makes expanding our
>>    cluster much quicker and easier.  I can share with you the pre and
>>    post-migrate scripts we use if you like.****
>> Let me know if the above makes sense, and of course if you need any
>> additional help please don't hesitate to bug me.  I'm very familiar with
>> the Ceph drivers  ;-)****
>> ** **
>> ------------------------------
>> *From: *"Jon" <three1...@gmail.com>
>> *To: *"Users OpenNebula" <users@lists.opennebula.org>
>> *Sent: *Tuesday, July 9, 2013 8:05:51 PM
>> *Subject: *[one-users]  How to use Ceph/RBD for System Datastore****
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> Hello All,****
>> ** **
>> I am using Ceph as my storage back end and would like to know how to
>> configure the system datastore, such that I can live migrate vms.****
>> ** **
>> Following the directions, I thought I could create a datastore, format
>> it, and mount it at /var/lib/one/datastores/0 , however, I discovered, that
>> isn't quite how things work.****
>> ** **
>> >>
>> http://lists.ceph.com/pipermail/ceph-users-ceph.com/2013-May/001913.html*
>> ***
>> You can read more about that at the above link, but long story short, to
>> mount a shared filesystem it has to be a "clustered" filesystem (I think
>> CephFS is the "clustered filesystem", in this case).****
>> ** **
>> I attempted to modify my system datastore config, however, I was unable
>> to change the DS_MAD parameter, and vm creation errors out telling me
>> there's no /var/lib/one/remotes/tm/ceph/mkswap driver (there isn't)****
>> ** **
>> >> oneadmin@red6:~$ onedatastore show 0 ****
>>           ****
>> >> ID             : 0                   ****
>> >> NAME           : system              ****
>> >> USER           : oneadmin            ****
>> >> GROUP          : oneadmin            ****
>> >> CLUSTER        : -                   ****
>> >> TYPE           : SYSTEM              ****
>> >> DS_MAD         : -                   ****
>> >> TM_MAD         : ceph                ****
>> >> BASE PATH      : /var/lib/one/datastores/0****
>> >> DISK_TYPE      : FILE                ****
>> >> ****
>>           ****
>> >> OWNER          : um-                 ****
>> >> GROUP          : u--                 ****
>> >> OTHER          : ---                 ****
>> >> ****
>>          ****
>> >> DISK_TYPE="rbd"****
>> >> DS_MAD="-"****
>> >> TM_MAD="ceph"****
>> >> TYPE="SYSTEM_DS"****
>> >> ****
>> >> IMAGES         ****
>> ** **
>> Maybe I'm just confused.  Can anyone provide some guidance on setting
>> ceph up as the system datastore?****
>> ** **
>> Thanks,****
>> Jon A****
>> ** **
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