On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 12:21 PM, Jaime Melis <jme...@opennebula.org> wrote:

> Could you share your scalability experiences with us? Can you a be a bit
> more specific? What issues have you seen?
I don't have any scalability issues for the moment.  My backend / oned
server is dedicate to oned (low-range Core i3 with 4GB RAM). It also runs
the MySQL database. It's fairly optimized and works great at the moment.
I'm not using Sunstone, I have a custom front-end that talks to the XML-RPC
and does some caching (ex. caching templates, VM information for short
period, etc. ref to # 1967 regarding caching). But I know oned won't scale,
especially due to the database caching issue. Having an option to disable
the internal caching opens the door to having multiple oned sharing the
same DB (which could be a MySQL cluster, or even a NoSQL such as MongoDB if
someone wanted to write a DB driver for it)

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