Can't ssh or ping the VM's from outside. Can't access any external
resource from inside the VM's (except as noted below)

I have seen this reported before, and I have had it and solved earlier, but
now I'm stuck on a new installation.


   - Ubuntu Server 13.04
   - Frontend with a NFS storage raid array
   - Hosts (3)
   - OpenNebula 4.2
   - KVM
   - Using 802.1Q VLAN on the config

Hosts and Frontend have a 10GB private network
All also have a normal 1GB Network (public IP's)

I can create VM from images downloaded from the Marketplace. I also created
my own images and contextualized them using the Opennebula
contextualization script.

They all come up fast and well. I can connect to them via the Sunstone VNC
interface. On the Ubuntu, VM's using the images I built, I can login and
check the system. Same with the Marketplace ttylinux/debian images as the
credentials are known.

The problem is that I can't ping or ssh to any of them from outside. I
can't access external resources from the VM's I'm able to login via
Sunstone/VNC either.

The settings, from the VM's I can login seem correct, I mean, ifconfig,
route, etc. DNS and Gateway are define and correct. I use a
Netmask for my Public network, that also come in ok.

I can ssh/ping other VM's running on the *same* host! But that is it. I had
a similar issue on another installation, but can't recall how I resolved
it. Had to do with the Context setting... I use the SunStone interface for
all of this.

This installation is almost identical, the only difference is the switch I
use for the public network, this one uses a Cisco 3750 the older (and
working) system uses a DLINK (both support VLAN's).

I'm definitely doing something wrong. Opennabula is super easy and powerful
but I can't see the issue! Any suggestions, recommendations will be

BTW, unrelated: the "CentOS 6.2 Server - kvm" image available on the
Marketplace always errors when downloading.

Best regards,
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