I forgot to add that you can get the xsd files from the documentation [1]
or the repository [2]


[1] http://opennebula.org/documentation:rel4.2:api#xsd_reference

Join us at OpenNebulaConf2013 <http://opennebulaconf.com> in Berlin, 24-26
September, 2013
Carlos Martín, MSc
Project Engineer
OpenNebula - The Open-source Solution for Data Center Virtualization
www.OpenNebula.org | cmar...@opennebula.org |

On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 6:19 PM, Carlos Martín Sánchez <
cmar...@opennebula.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> Something did not work in the migration process...
> The HOST/VMS element you mention should have been added by this file [1],
> and your VM xml is missing the USER_TEMPLATE element, which is added here
> [2].
> Can you compare the contents of your migrator files
> in /usr/lib/one/ruby/onedb/ to the repo [3]?
> Regards
> [1]
> http://dev.opennebula.org/projects/opennebula/repository/revisions/master/entry/src/onedb/3.8.0_to_3.8.1.rb#L92
> [2]
> http://dev.opennebula.org/projects/opennebula/repository/revisions/master/entry/src/onedb/3.8.4_to_3.9.80.rb#L410
> [3]
> http://dev.opennebula.org/projects/opennebula/repository/revisions/master/show/src/onedb
> --
> Join us at OpenNebulaConf2013 <http://opennebulaconf.com> in Berlin,
> 24-26 September, 2013
> --
> Carlos Martín, MSc
> Project Engineer
> OpenNebula - The Open-source Solution for Data Center Virtualization
> www.OpenNebula.org | cmar...@opennebula.org | 
> @OpenNebula<http://twitter.com/opennebula><cmar...@opennebula.org>
> On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 2:53 PM, Federico Zani <
> federico.z...@roma2.infn.it> wrote:
>>  Hi Carlos,
>>    the problem is that I can't even get the xml of the vms.
>> It seems it's something related to how the xml in the "body" column (for
>> both hosts and vms) of the database is structured.
>> Looking deeply in the migrations scripts, I solved the hosts problem by
>> adding the <vms> node (even without child) under the <host> tag of the body
>> column in "host_pool" table, but for the vms I still have to find a
>> solution.
>> Now with hosts access I'm able to submit and control new vm instances,
>> but I have dozens of running vms that I'm not even able to destroy (not
>> even with the force switch turned on).
>> This is the xml of one my hosts, as returned by onehost show -x (relevant
>> names are remmed out via the "[...]" string) :
>> <HOST>
>>   <ID>15</ID>
>>   <NAME>[...]</NAME>
>>   <STATE>2</STATE>
>>   <IM_MAD>im_kvm</IM_MAD>
>>   <VM_MAD>vmm_kvm</VM_MAD>
>>   <VN_MAD>dummy</VN_MAD>
>>   <LAST_MON_TIME>1377520947</LAST_MON_TIME>
>>   <CLUSTER>[...]</CLUSTER>
>>     <MEM_USAGE>20971520</MEM_USAGE>
>>     <CPU_USAGE>1800</CPU_USAGE>
>>     <MAX_DISK>0</MAX_DISK>
>>     <MAX_MEM>24596936</MAX_MEM>
>>     <MAX_CPU>2400</MAX_CPU>
>>     <FREE_MEM>5558100</FREE_MEM>
>>     <FREE_CPU>2323</FREE_CPU>
>>     <USED_MEM>19038836</USED_MEM>
>>     <USED_CPU>76</USED_CPU>
>>   </HOST_SHARE>
>>   <VMS>
>>     <ID>326</ID>
>>   </VMS>
>>     <ARCH><![CDATA[x86_64]]></ARCH>
>>     <CPUSPEED><![CDATA[1600]]></CPUSPEED>
>>     <FREECPU><![CDATA[2323.2]]></FREECPU>
>>     <FREEMEMORY><![CDATA[5558100]]></FREEMEMORY>
>>     <HOSTNAME><![CDATA[[...]]]></HOSTNAME>
>>     <MODELNAME><![CDATA[Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5645  @
>> 2.40GHz]]></MODELNAME>
>>     <NETRX><![CDATA[16007208117863]]></NETRX>
>>     <NETTX><![CDATA[1185926401588]]></NETTX>
>>     <TOTALCPU><![CDATA[2400]]></TOTALCPU>
>>     <TOTALMEMORY><![CDATA[24596936]]></TOTALMEMORY>
>>     <USEDCPU><![CDATA[76.8000000000002]]></USEDCPU>
>>     <USEDMEMORY><![CDATA[19038836]]></USEDMEMORY>
>>     <ZOMBIES><![CDATA[one-324, one-283, one-314, one-317,
>> one-304]]></ZOMBIES>
>>   </TEMPLATE>
>> </HOST>
>> As you can see, every hosts now recognize the connected vms as "zombies",
>> probably because he can't query the vms.
>> I'm also sending you the xml contained in the "body" column of the
>> vm_pool table of a vm I can't query with onevm show :
>> <VM>
>>    <ID>324</ID>
>>    <UID>0</UID>
>>    <GID>0</GID>
>>    <UNAME>oneadmin</UNAME>
>>    <GNAME>oneadmin</GNAME>
>>    <NAME>[...]</NAME>
>>       <OWNER_U>1</OWNER_U>
>>       <OWNER_M>1</OWNER_M>
>>       <OWNER_A>0</OWNER_A>
>>       <GROUP_U>0</GROUP_U>
>>       <GROUP_M>0</GROUP_M>
>>       <GROUP_A>0</GROUP_A>
>>       <OTHER_U>0</OTHER_U>
>>       <OTHER_M>0</OTHER_M>
>>       <OTHER_A>0</OTHER_A>
>>    <LAST_POLL>1375778872</LAST_POLL>
>>    <STATE>3</STATE>
>>    <STIME>1375457045</STIME>
>>    <ETIME>0</ETIME>
>>    <DEPLOY_ID>one-324</DEPLOY_ID>
>>    <MEMORY>4194304</MEMORY>
>>    <CPU>9</CPU>
>>    <NET_TX>432290511</NET_TX>
>>    <NET_RX>2072231827</NET_RX>
>>    <TEMPLATE>
>>       <CONTEXT>
>>          <ETH0_DNS><![CDATA[[...]]]></ETH0_DNS>
>>          <ETH0_GATEWAY><![CDATA[[...]]]></ETH0_GATEWAY>
>>          <ETH0_IP><![CDATA[[...]]]></ETH0_IP>
>>          <ETH0_MASK><![CDATA[[...]]]></ETH0_MASK>
>>          <FILES><![CDATA[[...]]]></FILES>
>>          <HOSTNAME><![CDATA[[...]]]></HOSTNAME>
>>          <TARGET><![CDATA[hdb]]></TARGET>
>>       </CONTEXT>
>>       <CPU><![CDATA[4]]></CPU>
>>       <DISK>
>>          <CLONE><![CDATA[YES]]></CLONE>
>>          <CLUSTER_ID><![CDATA[101]]></CLUSTER_ID>
>>          <DATASTORE><![CDATA[nonshared_ds]]></DATASTORE>
>>          <DATASTORE_ID><![CDATA[101]]></DATASTORE_ID>
>>          <DEV_PREFIX><![CDATA[hd]]></DEV_PREFIX>
>>          <DISK_ID><![CDATA[0]]></DISK_ID>
>>          <IMAGE><![CDATA[[...]]]></IMAGE>
>>          <IMAGE_ID><![CDATA[119]]></IMAGE_ID>
>>          <IMAGE_UNAME><![CDATA[oneadmin]]></IMAGE_UNAME>
>>          <READONLY><![CDATA[NO]]></READONLY>
>>          <SAVE><![CDATA[NO]]></SAVE>
>> <SOURCE><![CDATA[/var/lib/one/datastores/101/3860dfcd1bec39ce672ba855564b44ca]]></SOURCE>
>>          <TARGET><![CDATA[hda]]></TARGET>
>>          <TM_MAD><![CDATA[ssh]]></TM_MAD>
>>          <TYPE><![CDATA[FILE]]></TYPE>
>>       </DISK>
>>       <DISK>
>>          <DEV_PREFIX><![CDATA[hd]]></DEV_PREFIX>
>>          <DISK_ID><![CDATA[1]]></DISK_ID>
>>          <FORMAT><![CDATA[ext3]]></FORMAT>
>>          <SIZE><![CDATA[26000]]></SIZE>
>>          <TARGET><![CDATA[hdc]]></TARGET>
>>          <TYPE><![CDATA[fs]]></TYPE>
>>       </DISK>
>>       <DISK>
>>          <DEV_PREFIX><![CDATA[hd]]></DEV_PREFIX>
>>          <DISK_ID><![CDATA[2]]></DISK_ID>
>>          <SIZE><![CDATA[8192]]></SIZE>
>>          <TARGET><![CDATA[hdd]]></TARGET>
>>          <TYPE><![CDATA[swap]]></TYPE>
>>       </DISK>
>>       <FEATURES>
>>          <ACPI><![CDATA[yes]]></ACPI>
>>       </FEATURES>
>>       <GRAPHICS>
>>          <KEYMAP><![CDATA[it]]></KEYMAP>
>>          <LISTEN><![CDATA[]]></LISTEN>
>>          <PORT><![CDATA[6224]]></PORT>
>>          <TYPE><![CDATA[vnc]]></TYPE>
>>       </GRAPHICS>
>>       <MEMORY><![CDATA[4096]]></MEMORY>
>>       <NAME><![CDATA[[...]]]></NAME>
>>       <NIC>
>>          <BRIDGE><![CDATA[br1]]></BRIDGE>
>>          <CLUSTER_ID><![CDATA[101]]></CLUSTER_ID>
>>          <IP><![CDATA[[...]]]></IP>
>>          <MAC><![CDATA[02:00:c0:a8:1e:02]]></MAC>
>>          <MODEL><![CDATA[virtio]]></MODEL>
>>          <NETWORK><![CDATA[[...]]]></NETWORK>
>>          <NETWORK_ID><![CDATA[9]]></NETWORK_ID>
>>          <NETWORK_UNAME><![CDATA[oneadmin]]></NETWORK_UNAME>
>>          <VLAN><![CDATA[NO]]></VLAN>
>>       </NIC>
>>       <OS>
>>          <ARCH><![CDATA[x86_64]]></ARCH>
>>          <BOOT><![CDATA[hd]]></BOOT>
>>       </OS>
>>       <RAW>
>>          <TYPE><![CDATA[kvm]]></TYPE>
>>       </RAW>
>>       <TEMPLATE_ID><![CDATA[38]]></TEMPLATE_ID>
>>       <VCPU><![CDATA[4]]></VCPU>
>>       <VMID><![CDATA[324]]></VMID>
>>    </TEMPLATE>
>>       <HISTORY>
>>          <OID>324</OID>
>>          <SEQ>0</SEQ>
>>          <HOSTNAME>[...]</HOSTNAME>
>>          <HID>15</HID>
>>          <STIME>1375457063</STIME>
>>          <ETIME>0</ETIME>
>>          <VMMMAD>vmm_kvm</VMMMAD>
>>          <VNMMAD>dummy</VNMMAD>
>>          <TMMAD>ssh</TMMAD>
>>          <DS_LOCATION>/var/datastore</DS_LOCATION>
>>          <DS_ID>102</DS_ID>
>>          <PSTIME>1375457063</PSTIME>
>>          <PETIME>1375457263</PETIME>
>>          <RSTIME>1375457263</RSTIME>
>>          <RETIME>0</RETIME>
>>          <ESTIME>0</ESTIME>
>>          <EETIME>0</EETIME>
>>          <REASON>0</REASON>
>>       </HISTORY>
>> </VM>
>> I think it'd be of a great help for me to have the update XSD files for
>> all the body columns in the databases: I'd able to validate the xml
>> structure of all the tables to highlight migration problems.
>> Thanks! :)
>> F.
>> Il 21/08/2013 12:13, Carlos Martín Sánchez ha scritto:
>> Hi,
>>  Could you send us the xml of some of the failing vms and hosts? You can
>> get it with the -x flag in onevm/host list.
>>  Send them off-list if you prefer.
>>  Regards
>>  --
>> Join us at OpenNebulaConf2013 <http://opennebulaconf.com> in Berlin,
>> 24-26 September, 2013
>> --
>> Carlos Martín, MSc
>> Project Engineer
>> OpenNebula - The Open-source Solution for Data Center Virtualization
>> www.OpenNebula.org | cmar...@opennebula.org | 
>> @OpenNebula<http://twitter.com/opennebula>
>> On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 11:29 AM, Federico Zani <
>> federico.z...@roma2.infn.it> wrote:
>>>  Hi,
>>>   I am experiencing some issues after the update from 3.7 to 4.2
>>> (frontend on a CentOS 6.4 and hosts with KVM virt manager), this is what I
>>> did :
>>>  - Stopped one and sunstone and backed up /etc/one
>>>  - yum localinstall opennebula-4.2.0-1.x86_64.rpm
>>> opennebula-java-4.2.0-1.x86_64.rpm opennebula-ruby-4.2.0-1.x86_64.rpm
>>> opennebula-server-4.2.0-1.x86_64.rpm opennebula-sunstone-4.2.0-1.x86_64.rpm
>>>  - duplicated im and vmm for kvm mads as specified here
>>> http://opennebula.org/documentation:archives:rel4.0:upgrade#driver_names
>>>  - checked for other mismatch in one.conf but actually I found nothing
>>> to be fixed
>>>  - onedb upgrade -v --sqlite /var/lib/one/one.db (no errors, just a few
>>> warning about manual fixes needed - that I did)
>>>  - moved vm description files from */var/lib/one/*[0-9]* to */
>>> var/lib/one/vms/*
>>> Then I tried to fsck the sqlite db but got the following error :
>>> --------------
>>> onedb fsck -f -v -s /var/lib/one/one.db
>>> Version read:
>>> 4.2.0 : Database migrated from 3.7.80 to 4.2.0 (OpenNebula 4.2.0) by
>>> onedb command.
>>> Sqlite database backup stored in /var/lib/one/one.db.bck
>>> Use 'onedb restore' or copy the file back to restore the DB.
>>>   > Running fsck
>>> Datastore 0 is missing fom Cluster 101 datastore id list
>>> Image 127 is missing fom Datastore 101 image id list
>>> undefined method `elements' for nil:NilClass
>>> Error running fsck version 4.2.0
>>> The database will be restored
>>> Sqlite database backup restored in /var/lib/one/one.db
>>> -----------
>>> I also tried to reinstall ruby gems with /usr/share/one/install_gems but
>>> still got the same issue.
>>> After a few searching, I  tried to start one and sunstone-server anyway,
>>> and this is the result :
>>>  - I can do "onevm list" and "onehost list" correctly
>>>  - When I do a "onevm show" on a terminated vm it shows me the correct
>>> information
>>>  - When I do a "onevm show" (on a running vm) or "onehost show", it
>>> returns a "[VirtualMachineInfo] Error getting virtual machine [312]." or
>>> either "[HostInfo] Error getting host [30]."
>>> In the log file (/var/log/oned.log) I can see the following errors, when
>>> issuing those commands :
>>> ----------
>>> Tue Aug  6 12:49:40 2013 [ONE][E]: SQL command was: SELECT body FROM
>>> host_pool WHERE oid = 30, error: callback requested query abort
>>> Tue Aug  6 12:49:40 2013 [ONE][E]: SQL command was: SELECT body FROM
>>> vm_pool WHERE oid = 312, error: callback requested query abort
>>> ------------
>>> I am still able to see datastores informations and the overall situation
>>> of my private cloud through the sunstone dashboard, but it seems I cannot
>>> access informations related to running vms and hosts: it leads to an
>>> unusable private cloud (can't stop vms, can't run a new one, etc...)
>>> Any clues ?
>>> Federico.
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