AppStage is not supported for OpenNebula 4.x so we have not tested it in
this version. Anyway, is there any file downloaded it /var/tmp/chef/cookbooks
or /var/tmp/site_chef/cookbooks? Can you access internet from that VM? It
is needed to download recipes.

On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 9:10 AM, Naza <> wrote:

> I prepared AppStage environment VM with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS follow below
> guide:
> AppStage guest package was installed and I can see there are:
> /etc/init.d/vmcontext
> /etc/one-context.d/00-network
> /etc/one-context.d/01-dns
> /etc/one-context.d/02-ssh_public_key
> /etc/one-context.d/99-one-chef
> 99-one-chef does not seem to be executed completely during boot. If I
> execute /etc/init.d/vmcontext manually from the terminal, the ruby script
> 99-one-chef executed successfully.
> I piped the 99-one-chef output to log file:
> root@u12AppStageVM:~# cat /tmp/99-one-chef.log
> {}
> Initialized empty Git repository in /var/tmp/chef/site_cookbooks/.git/
> [master (root-commit) 00b331e] Initial Commit
>  0 files changed
>  create mode 100644 delete_me
> I attached chef configuration and node json files for your reference:
> root@u12AppStageVM:~# cat /var/tmp/chef/chef.conf
> file_cache_path "/var/tmp/chef/cache"
> cookbook_path ["/var/tmp/chef/cookbooks", "/var/tmp/chef/site_cookbooks"]
> node json file:
> root@u12AppStageVM:~# cat /var/tmp/chef/node.json
> {"name":"wordpress","run_list":["recipe[mysql::server]","recipe[wordpress]"],"wordpress":{"db":{"database":"wordpress","user":"wordpress","password":"password"}},"mysql":{"server_root_password":"password","server_repl_password":"password","server_debian_password":"password"}}
> I am not sure why ruby script 99-one-chef run with differently during vm
> boot and run manually from terminal. Please help me to solve this problem.
> Thanks and regards,
> Naza
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