
On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 4:18 PM, Svancara, Randall <rsvanc...@wsu.edu>wrote:

>  Hi,
> I read the documentation for Open Nebula.  I understand that raw disks
> with KVM do not support snapshots (ok, I understand this is a technical
> limitation and I am migrating to qcow)
> However if I go to the Virtual Machines, click on the virtual machine and
> then select the storage tab, there is an option for snapshot.
> Here is where I believe the documentation falls apart for this tool.  What
> is the difference between snapshots in the snapshot tab and snapshot under
> storage.

The VM guide has two sections, one for disk snapshots [1], and another for
system snapshots [2]

>   Also if I attempt to use the snapshot under storage, I see this rather
> vague error:
>  Error [VirtualMachineSaveDisk] Cannot use selected DISK. The DISK 0 is
> already going to be saved.
> I have to make this product available for less technical users.  So first
> of all, what does this even mean.  Second of all, is there any way to
> provide a more intuitive error message???  I do not see anywhere in the
> interface where there is something about DISK 0 is going to be saved or a
> status of a scheduled job.
Out of context, it is a vague error message. But to get this message, you
have to perform a disk snapshot, and the wizard contains a tooltip
explaining what it will do:

Sets the specified VM disk to be saved in a new Image.
Deferred: The Image is created immediately, but the contents are saved only
if the VM is shut down gracefully (i.e., using Shutdown; not Delete)
Hot: The Image will be saved immediately.

The Storage disk table also contains a "save as" column, that after a disk
snapshot operation is filled with that new Image's ID.
So, it basically means that you cannot save the disk in a new Image,
because the disk is already going to be saved...

The best way to simplify OpenNebula for less technical users is to cut down
the number of features exposed to them.
We allow this via Sunstone views, take a look at the cloud view [3].


[1] http://opennebula.org/documentation:rel4.2:vm_guide_2#disk_snapshoting
[2] http://opennebula.org/documentation:rel4.2:vm_guide_2#snapshotting
[3] http://opennebula.org/documentation:rel4.2:suns_views#cloud_view

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September, 2013
Carlos Martín, MSc
Project Engineer
OpenNebula - The Open-source Solution for Data Center Virtualization
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