
On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 9:24 PM, <kenny.ke...@bol.com.br> wrote:

> Hello, i read in some articles that i need to use network
> contextualization to pass the ip for the vm, by opennebula.
> I have a opennebula 4.2 and i´m using xen 4.2
> I have this in my deployment.0
> vif = [ ' mac=02:00:0a:00:04:11,ip=,bridge=br0',]
> the mac adress is ok on the vm (ubuntu 12.04 guest), but ip is not ok.
> I want to pass the ip for VM?
> How can i do that?

The contextualization is explained in these guides:

Basically, you need to install a package we provide in your guest.


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September, 2013
Carlos Martín, MSc
Project Engineer
OpenNebula - The Open-source Solution for Data Center Virtualization
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