Hi list,

feels like an issue with NetworkManager in CentOS (not confirmed yet).
ifcfg-eth0 has configured eth0 to be managed by
`NetworkManager' (NM_CONTROLLED="yes").

Current approach is to mount and modify the qcow image
and configure NM_CONTROLLED="no".

Currently no success.

# kraM

On 14:49 Mon 21 Oct, Mark Kusch wrote:
> Hi list,
> I've a vnet defining IP and MAC address fields (required).
> I've a working bridge configuration which should grant accecss to a
> corporate DHCP server configured for exactly these IP/MAC pairs.
> I've a CentOS qcow2 image with eth0 configuration set to DHCP.
> When instantiating a VM it comes up with eth0 configured with IP
> MAC address is configured correctly from the vnet.
> onevm show $ID lists expected networking configuration.
> Any hint why the VMs come up with such an IP address? Could that be
> OpenNebula related? Or does this feel to you like CentOS related?
> In HOPE anyone has seen such an issue and can point me somewhere
> which explains it to me and hopefully results in a solution ;)
> Thanks!
> # kraM
> Some details:
> $ onevnet show $ID # perfectly fine
> USED LEASES                                                                   
> LEASE=[ MAC="54:52:00:c0:de:0a", IP="", 
> IP6_LINK="fe80::5652:ff:fec0:de0a", USED="1", VID="19" ]
> $onevm show $ID # perfectly fine
> VM NICS                                                                       
> ID NETWORK              VLAN BRIDGE       IP              MAC              
> 0  VNet                 yes br1   54:52:00:c0:de:0a
>                                           fe80::5652:ff:fec0:de0a
> ifcfg-eth0 from qcow2 image:
> DEVICE="eth0"
> BOOTPROTO="dhcp"
> IPV6INIT="yes"
> MTU="1500"
> ONBOOT="yes"
> TYPE="Ethernet"
> UUID="708d6105-c3fe-44e9-8572-f6738042f930"
> ifcfg-eth0 on VM:
> DEVICE=eth0
> ONBOOT=yes
> TYPE=Ethernet
> qcow2 image source:
> - http://cloud.centos.org/i/one/c6-x86_64-20121130-1.qcow2.gz
> - http://wiki.centos.org/Cloud/OpenNebula/QuickStart (found in this guide)
> -- 
> Mark Kusch
> Silpion IT-Solutions GmbH: Systems Engineer
> Tel.: +49 (40) 399976-51
> Fax.: +49 (40) 399976-40
> Mail: mark.ku...@silpion.de
> Firmensitz: Brandshofer Deich 48, 20539 Hamburg
> Geschäftsführer: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Patrick Postel
> Registergericht: Amtsgericht Hamburg HRB 78585
> Finanzbehörde: Hamburg
> USt.-Ident.-Nr.: DE213610768

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Mark Kusch
Silpion IT-Solutions GmbH: Systems Engineer

Tel.: +49 (40) 399976-51
Fax.: +49 (40) 399976-40
Mail: mark.ku...@silpion.de

Firmensitz: Brandshofer Deich 48, 20539 Hamburg
Geschäftsführer: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Patrick Postel
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Hamburg HRB 78585
Finanzbehörde: Hamburg
USt.-Ident.-Nr.: DE213610768

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