Hi Tobias,
As there is no standard "dns" suffix, I just added a .cloud to the hostname. 
You can change it by doing the following:
- Edit /usr/lib/one/ruby/cloud/metadata/MetadataServer.rb- And replace .cloud 
with your domain:              when 'local-hostname' # 2007-01-19               
 @value = "i-#{vm.id}.cloud"              when 'public-hostname'                
@value = "i-#{vm.id}.cloud"
If you use the econe-* commands, userdata and public key should work without 
any change.If you create your own template, just add the following to context:
  CONTEXT         = [  (...)    EC2_USER_DATA = <YOUR USER DATA>    
If you want to use your own variables instead, just change them on 
/usr/lib/one/ruby/cloud/metadata/MetadataServer.rb.Search and replace with your 
own data:
The metadata server was thought to work with instances launched by eucatools, 
hybridfox or econe-* , and assumes that you are using the standard 
/etc/one/ec2query_templates/*.erb .But it can be easily modified to be more 
Regards,Ricardo Duarte
 reference, this is the ec2 template I'm currently using:
NAME            = eco-vm-<%= erb_vm_info[:instance_type ]%><% if 
erb_vm_info[:instance_type ]    == "m1.small" %> CPU           = 0.1MEMORY      
       = 256<% elsif erb_vm_info[:instance_type ] == "m1.medium" %>CPU          
   = 0.2MEMORY          = 1024<% elsif erb_vm_info[:instance_type ] == 
"m1.large" %>CPU             = 0.4MEMORY          = 2048<% elsif 
erb_vm_info[:instance_type ] == "m1.xlarge" %>CPU             = 0.8MEMORY       
   = 4096<% end %>OS           = [ ARCH="x86_64",  BOOT="hd" ]DISK             
= [ IMAGE_ID = <%= erb_vm_info[:img_id] %> , CACHE="none", TARGET="vd", 
DRIVER="qcow2" ]NIC             = [NETWORK_ID=0, MODEL="virtio"]IMAGE_ID        
= <%= erb_vm_info[:ec2_img_id] %>INSTANCE_TYPE  = <%= 
erb_vm_info[:instance_type]%>GRAPHICS     = [ TYPE="vnc" ]FEATURES        = [ 
ACPI="yes" ]RAW             = [ DATA="<devices><serial type='pty'><target 
port='0'/></serial></devices>", TYPE="kvm" ]CONTEXT         = [  HOSTNAME = 
"$NETWORK[GATEWAY, NETWORK_ID=0]",  ETH0_IP   = "$NIC[IP]",  ETH0_MASK        = 
"$NETWORK[MASK, NETWORK_ID=0]"  <% if @password %>, PASSWORD  = "<%= @password 
%>"<% end %>  <% if erb_vm_info[:user_data]  %>, EC2_USER_DATA = "<%= 
erb_vm_info[:user_data]  %>"<% end %>  <% if erb_vm_info[:public_key] %>, 
EC2_PUBLIC_KEY = "<%= erb_vm_info[:key_name]   %>"<% end %>  <% if 
erb_vm_info[:public_key] %>, EC2_KEYNAME    = "<%= erb_vm_info[:public_key] 
%>"<% end 
> Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 16:26:49 +0200
> From: tob...@tobru.ch
> To: rjt...@hotmail.com
> CC: users@lists.opennebula.org
> Subject: RE: [one-users] Ubuntu Cloud Images
> Hi,
> Ok, I got this working now! Thanks a lot for your ideas... I very 
> appreciate the nice help.
> Now the metadata server returns the following values:
> ubuntu@ip-192-168-49-152:~$ ./ec2-metadata-mod --all
> ami-id: not available
> ami-launch-index: 76
> ami-manifest-path: none
> ancestor-ami-ids: not available
> block-device-mapping:
> not available
> instance-id: i-76
> instance-type: not available
> local-hostname: one-76.cloud
> local-ipv4:
> kernel-id: not available
> placement: not available
> product-codes: not available
> public-hostname: one-76.cloud
> public-ipv4:
> public-keys:
> not available
> ramdisk-id: not available
> reservation-id: r-76
> security-groups: not available
> user-data: not available
> Some questions regarding the values:
> > local-hostname: one-76.cloud
> > public-hostname: one-76.cloud
> How are these values created? Shouldn't the value correspond to the vm 
> name I've chosen in OpenNebula?
> > public-keys:
> > not available
> There is a public key available in the template, so I'm wondering why 
> it's not available.
> Will the metadata server find it's way into the official OpenNebula 
> distribution, or will it stay separate?
> Cheers,
> Tobias
> On 23.10.2013 10:58, Ricardo Duarte wrote:
> > Hi Tobias,
> > 
> > I would say that the NAT method will not work if both the
> > metadata-server and the instances are on the same IP network.
> > 
> > You can try to do the following:
> > 
> > - On your router, add a new IP to the VLAN =>
> > - On the metadata-server, add the IP to the
> > interface
> > - Edit the /etc/one/metadata.conf to listen on, and
> > port 80
> > - Make sure your router forwards packets from your instance network to
> > this network
> > 
> > To ensure metadata server is working fine, before making the changes,
> > just change the IP address and port on the ec2-metadata script to the
> > real ip and port of the server, and check if it returns any value.
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