
I have a very basic setup that requires no ON configured networking, just
the default NAT that KVM provides out of the box.

I'm not sure how to "properly" define an interface to achieve this.  I've
got it working via the RAW section by adding:

<interface type='network'><source network='default'/> <model

This works and it provides the default NAT interface, but is that how it
should be done?  I ask because the second issue I have is that I cannot
port forward from the host.  According to the KVM docs, using these
parameters (added via qemu:commandline option) should forward TCP port 3389:

-net user,hostfwd=tcp::3389-:3389

It doesn't work though, and I have a feeling this is because of how I
defined the network/interface above.  The host does start to listen on port
3389 when KVM starts, I can see that through netstat/lsof - it just doesn't
seem to connect through to the VM.

Any ideas?

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