Did you copied or onehost sync the modified rb to the hosts?. If the output
is ok running the probes directly then OpenNebula should update the value.

Could you send the ouput of the probe?, just to doble check it is ok.

VMEMORY is not ready for 4.4...


On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 2:24 PM, Gerry O'Brien <ge...@scss.tcd.ie> wrote:

> On 18/10/2013 20:10, Michał Madziar wrote:
>> On 2013-10-18 17:36, Gerry O'Brien wrote:
>>> On 16/10/2013 20:40, Michał Madziar wrote:
>>>> On 2013-10-16 21:00, Gerry O'Brien wrote:
>>>>> On 16/10/2013 17:19, Michał Madziar wrote: _requirements" lives?
>>>> I didn't touch the scheduler, just patched the reporting script.
>>>> On my system it exists in ~oneadmin/remotes/im/kvm.d/kvm.rb and is
>>>> copied by ON (idr when exactly - restart?)  to /var/tmp/one/im/kvm.d/ on
>>>> every host in cluster.
>>>> I just added above lines near the end of script - before printing,
>>>> copied it manually and about minute later changes were visible in chart.
>>> Hi,
>>>      This file get copied over to the host when oned is restarted. If
>>> you run it on the host it reports the increased memory size. However,
>>> the scheduler seems to ignore this. I'm running version 4.2. Is that
>>> what you are running?
>> Remember that values reported to ON must be consistent - total == free +
>> used or ON will ignore them.
>> That how it's look like on our system:
>> http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/1152/n5g6.png
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> Hi,
>     Below is the modified section of kvm.rb. I have only added three lines
> to try to report double the actual memory.
> 39d38
> <         $total_memory = $total_memory.to_i * 2
> 70d68
> < $total_memory = $total_memory.to_i * 2
> 75d72
> < $free_memory=$total_memory - $used_memory.to_i
> When I run the modified kvm.rb on the host it reports back twice the
> memory but ON seems to ignore it.
> Do you know if VMEMORY has been implemented?
> nodeinfo_text.split(/\n/).each{|line|
>     if     line.match('^CPU\(s\)')
>         $total_cpu   = line.split(":")[1].strip.to_i * 100
>     elsif  line.match('^CPU frequency')
>         $cpu_speed   = line.split(":")[1].strip.split(" ")[0]
>     elsif  line.match('^Memory size')
>         $total_memory = line.split(":")[1].strip.split(" ")[0]
>         $total_memory = $total_memory.to_i * 2
>     end
> }
> ######
> #   for everything else, top & proc
> #####
> top_text=`top -bin2`
> exit(-1) if $?.exitstatus != 0
> top_text.gsub!(/^top.*^top.*?$/m, "") # Strip first top output
> top_text.split(/\n/).each{|line|
>     if line.match('^%?Cpu')
>         line[7..-1].split(",").each{|elemento|
>             temp = elemento.strip.split(/[% ]/)
>             if temp[1]=="id"
>             idle = temp[0]
>             $free_cpu = idle.to_f * $total_cpu.to_f / 100
>             $used_cpu = $total_cpu.to_f - $free_cpu
>                 break
>             end
>         }
>     end
> }
> $total_memory = `free -k|grep "Mem:" | awk '{print $2}'`
> $total_memory = $total_memory.to_i * 2
> tmp=`free -k|grep "buffers\/cache"|awk '{print $3 " " $4}'`.split
> $used_memory=tmp[0]
> $free_memory=tmp[1]
> $free_memory=$total_memory - $used_memory.to_i
> --
> Gerry O'Brien
> Systems Manager
> School of Computer Science and Statistics
> Trinity College Dublin
> Dublin 2
> 00 353 1 896 1341
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