Quoting Daniel Molina (dmol...@opennebula.org):
> Could you try changing this line:
> elsif (rackinput.class == StringIO || rackinput.class ==
> PhusionPassenger::Utils::RewindableInput)
> to
> elsif rackinput.respond_to?('read')

This doesn't produce any passenger errors. Image gets uploaded but ...
it fails with the following message:

[ImageAllocate] Cannot determine Image SIZE

It turns out it takes a little while before the image gets flushed to
disk (nfs mount) and at the moment the file size gets determined it's
still "0" bytes ... a few seconds later the file gets filled to it's
actual size ... but that's too late.

watch -n 1 ls -lrth /mnt/sunstone_upload.

I tried again with "nolock" nfs mount option removed and that seems to
help. It works nows \o/.

One last thing though. Some time after a succesful copy to the datastore the
image got removed (cleanup I guess). That does'nt happen anymore. It's
not a big problem (I can make a cronjob for that) but I wonder if it's
related to this change.



P.s. Is this change also going to work on Passenger 3.0? I can test if
you want. Not that I'm planning to but it would make the code version

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