
On Sat, Nov 30, 2013 at 1:02 AM, Qiubo Su (David Su) <qiub...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Dear OpenNebula Community,
> 1) When run onevm, oneimage, onevnet, onecluster etc commands, sometimes
> got errors. Instead of checking the debug log files, how to set up a
> debugging environment with the right tools to track down the problems in
> the code level?
> I'm a C, C++ and Java software engineer for many years, but not familiar
> with the OpenNebula software development environment and the tools for
> debugging to the code level.
> Your help with this is much appreciated !

We don't have an established debug environment, each one has his
preferences. For me personally, it's a combination of gdb and eclipse CDT
for c++; irb and lots of 'puts' for ruby; and chrome dev tools for JS.

2) After create image to add it to the user generated datastore, how to
> remove it from that datastore, not deleting it, just remove it out of the
> datastore?

I'm not sure I understand. You want to have an Image that is not associated
to any Datastore? That's not allowed in OpenNebula.

> Thanks kindly,
> Q.S.


Carlos Martín, MSc
Project Engineer
OpenNebula - Flexible Enterprise Cloud Made Simple
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