
another small patch I would like to share.

Newer versions of libvirt and kvm support the cpu feature
  hv_spinlocks, hv_relaxe
(e.g. see here http://wiki.qemu.org/ChangeLog/1.1)

To make that work in ON4.4 I attached a small patch, so you can configure that
in sunstone (Templates -> OS-Booting -> Features)
and the XML is added to the features section of deployment.xml

It adds:
                        <relaxed state='on'/>
                        <vapic state='on'/>
                        <spinlocks state='on' retries='4096'/>

Beware that you need a current libvirt and qemu before activating that feature.
(Dont know, if that is already supported in e.g. RH6.x but I suppose so).

See also here: 

Best, Michael

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