
On Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 12:04 PM, Alexander Sibetheros <alexsib...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> I am having problems with the datastore.
> I have a vmware vm on my pc acting as the "cloud controller" (running
> ubuntu12.04) and installed opennebula as mentioned on the tutorial(
> http://www.opennebula.org/documentation:rel4.4:qs_ubuntu_kvm).
> I originally gave the controller a 20GB disk via vmware, but because I
> need more space I increased the image to 100GB.
> Inside the controller fdisk -l shows a 100GB disk, but tha datastore still
> sees 20GB.
> If I create another datastore it still is created on the 20GB it thinks It
> has.
Is your partition using all that new disk space? If you are using the fs
drivers, the space is monitored with the df and du commands.

> Also, another question, when I delete an Image(from sunstone) it is
> removed from images.. but the space is still taken from the datastore(I ls
> -lh into the datastore and found it).
> Should I manually delete it?

OpenNebula should delete the files. Do you have any error messages about
the image deletion in oned.log?

Carlos Martín, MSc
Project Engineer
OpenNebula - Flexible Enterprise Cloud Made Simple
www.OpenNebula.org <http://www.opennebula.org/> | cmar...@opennebula.org |
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