For those of us who can't make it to Brussels, it would be interesting
to hear if there have been any changes in OpenNebula on CentOS that
have come about because of the new affiliation of Centos and Red Hat.
In particular, might there now be a path to get OpenNebula and some
of the other packages that have been CentOS-only in to Red Hat Enterprise Linux?

Steve Timm

On Wed, 29 Jan 2014, Jaime Melis wrote:

Dear all,
as I mentioned some days ago in the list, OpenNebula will participate in the
upcoming CentOS Dojo:

We have a bit more information with regard to this. The hackathon will start
shortly after lunch, at 14:15, and we will take upon us to improve the
following points in OpenNebula / CentOS:

- CloudInit 0.7.5 support
- Systemd scripts for CentOS 7
- opennebula-node-xen package

If you are interested please join us (even remotely!), any help will be
highly appreciated!


Jaime Melis
Project Engineer
OpenNebula - Flexible Enterprise Cloud Made Simple |

Steven C. Timm, Ph.D  (630) 840-8525
Fermilab Scientific Computing Division, Scientific Computing Services Quad.
Grid and Cloud Services Dept., Associate Dept. Head for Cloud Computing
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