Quoting Carlos Martín Sánchez (cmar...@opennebula.org):
> You can create vnets directly in a cluster, using the --cluster option [1],
> but not with the CLUSTER attribute [2].
> I agree that since the new vnet is defined with a template, it is more
> intuitive to set the cluster also there, so I've opened a ticket for this
> [3].

> This is a bit hard to explain easily in the docs, but the key is this
> paragraph [4]:
> Virtual Machines using resources from Datastores or Virtual Networks in the
> Cluster 'none' can be deployed in any Host, which must be properly
> configured.
> That is, your vnet is not in any cluster (or cluster 'none'), which means
> that all hosts (either in cluster none or any other cluster) will be able
> to deploy the VM.
> The core sees that you are requesting something specific to cluster
> kvm_cluster and a vnet that is configured to be used by any Host, including
> those in kvm_cluster.
> If you try to create a VM using resources from two different clusters, the
> core will complain on creation, it won't wait for the scheduler to notice.
> This may be a bit convoluted, but the other option we had was to force you
> to put everything in a cluster. That would mean that you can't configure a
> network to be used by both xen and kvm hosts.

It makes perfect sense.

> In future versions, we may change this and allow to select more than one
> cluster for each host/vnet/ds...

I thought this was already possible but I must be mistaken with sharing
resources between VDC / oZones. Did Ruben create #2591 for this [1]?

Thanks for your explanation.

Gr. Stefan

[1]: http://dev.opennebula.org/issues/2591

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