... Sorry At all....
my mistake.... resolved.
All is perfectly running!!!!!
I missing password less auth between nodes.....    :(
Someone know if is possible to use (with minimal mod) whmcs or Hostbill for cloud selling with opennebula??

Il 07/02/14 20:25, Giancarlo De Filippis ha scritto:
I all
First of all Thank for the great job!!!!
I've some trouble with live-migration of vm.
This is the vmlog:
Fri Feb 7 20:20:08 2014 [LCM][I]: New VM state is MIGRATE
Fri Feb 7 20:20:08 2014 [VMM][I]: Successfully execute transfer manager driver operation: tm_premigrate.
Fri Feb 7 20:20:08 2014 [VMM][I]: ExitCode: 0
Fri Feb 7 20:20:08 2014 [VMM][I]: Successfully execute network driver operation: pre. Fri Feb 7 20:20:08 2014 [VMM][I]: Command execution fail: /var/tmp/one/vmm/kvm/migrate 'one-6' 'node3.ltbl.it' 'node1.ltbl.it' 6 node1.ltbl.it Fri Feb 7 20:20:08 2014 [VMM][E]: migrate: Command "virsh --connect qemu:///system migrate --live one-6 qemu+ssh://node3.ltbl.it/system" failed: error: Cannot recv data: Host key verification failed.: Connection reset by peer
Fri Feb 7 20:20:08 2014 [VMM][E]: Could not migrate one-6 to node3.ltbl.it
Fri Feb 7 20:20:08 2014 [VMM][I]: ExitCode: 1
Fri Feb 7 20:20:08 2014 [VMM][I]: Failed to execute virtualization driver operation: migrate. Fri Feb 7 20:20:08 2014 [VMM][E]: Error live migrating VM: Could not migrate one-6 to node3.ltbl.it Fri Feb 7 20:20:08 2014 [LCM][I]: Fail to live migrate VM. Assuming that the VM is still RUNNING (will poll VM).

Normal migration (not live) run correctly..
Seems that host node3 need authenthication with node1 but i've made passwordless auth only between frond-end <-> node not node <-> node....
Some one can help me???

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