Hi Everyone,

It seems that the document is not updated or I am missing something while
configuring Cloud View in Sunstone.

I followed this link to setup cloud view and it do not work, there are few
things missing on the document


If I open the file sunstone-views.yaml, there seems to be a group called as
default and it that the user view.

When I create a new group and give that view cloud view in the above file,
then restart sunstone, create new user and add that user to the new group
created and login with the new user By Default it goes to USER VIEW

Example of the entry

        - admin
        - vdcadmin
        - user
        - cloud
    - user
    - cloud

Now when I remove -user from the default view and add cloud in there and
then login with the new user it goes to cloud view.

-- I have added the new user to clouduser group and removed user group from
new user, restarted sunstone and still it goes to user view.

I tried above document 2 twice and it seems that there is something missing
in the document and something has changed between 4.0 to 4.4 version.

Thanks and Regards
Kiran Ranjane
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