Hi All,

Have just added a new KVM HV which has gone in as opennebula version 4.4.1-1, creating VM fails with:

Thu Feb 20 14:19:33 2014 [DiM][I]: New VM state is PENDING
Thu Feb 20 14:19:41 2014 [DiM][I]: New VM state is ACTIVE.
Thu Feb 20 14:19:41 2014 [LCM][I]: New VM state is PROLOG.
Thu Feb 20 14:19:41 2014 [TM][I]: Command execution fail: /var/lib/one/remotes/tm/ceph/context /var/lib/one/vms/438/context.sh #address#101:/mnt/one/datastores/107/438/disk.2 438 107 Thu Feb 20 14:19:41 2014 [TM][I]: sh: 1: /var/lib/one/remotes/tm/ceph/context: not found
Thu Feb 20 14:19:41 2014 [TM][I]: ExitCode: 127
Thu Feb 20 14:19:41 2014 [TM][E]: Error executing image transfer script
Thu Feb 20 14:19:41 2014 [DiM][I]: New VM state is FAILED

I can't see a file "/var/lib/one/remotes/tm/ceph/context" on the new 4.4.1-1 or my 4.4.0-1 HV which work. Any ideas what's going on?

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