
On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 7:40 PM, Hyun Woo Kim <hyun...@fnal.gov> wrote:

>  If HostXML::test_ds_capacity only creates  $DATASTORE_LOCATION/<id>
> assuming  $DATASTORE_LOCATION itself exists,
> my next question here might be,
> which code creates  $DATASTORE_LOCATION itself and when?
>  I don't think I missed an instruction to create  $DATASTORE_LOCATION
> manually in the ON documentation..
> i.e.  $DATASTORE_LOCATION must be created by ON codes (maybe) during the
> first VM deployment.
>  But like I described in the original email, our test ON4.4  fails at
> this.
>  Hyunwoo Kim
> FermiCloud

The $DATASTORE_LOCATION/<id> dir is created by the tm drivers on the first
deployment, using the ssh_make_path function (mkdir -p). As I said, I think
the problem is not the dir creation, is with the mechanism to decide the
first deployment on a new host.


Carlos Martín, MSc
Project Engineer
OpenNebula - Flexible Enterprise Cloud Made Simple
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