
One of the TechDay attendee was so excited about cloud-bursting he
tried the same evening in his own cloud. At first he didn't succeed.
This turned out to be a template problem with a "KEYPAIR" containing a
"space". I tried to reproduce that, but in the process I hit some errors:

Add a EC2 host:

onehost create eu-west-1 --im ec2 --vm ec2 --net dummy

Resulting in:

Mon Mar 31 14:56:06 2014 [InM][D]: Monitoring host eu-west-1 (4)
Mon Mar 31 14:56:07 2014 [InM][I]: Command execution fail:
/var/lib/one/remotes/im/run_probes ec2 /var/lib/one//datastores 4124 20
4 eu-west-1
Mon Mar 31 14:56:07 2014 [InM][I]:
/var/lib/one/remotes/vmm/ec2/ec2_driver.rb:304:in `*': nil can't be
coerced into Float (TypeError)
Mon Mar 31 14:56:07 2014 [InM][I]: from
/var/lib/one/remotes/vmm/ec2/ec2_driver.rb:304:in `block in
Mon Mar 31 14:56:07 2014 [InM][I]: from
/var/lib/one/remotes/vmm/ec2/ec2_driver.rb:303:in `each'
Mon Mar 31 14:56:07 2014 [InM][I]: from
/var/lib/one/remotes/vmm/ec2/ec2_driver.rb:303:in `monitor_all_vms'
Mon Mar 31 14:56:07 2014 [InM][I]: from ./poll:26:in `<main>'
Mon Mar 31 14:56:07 2014 [InM][E]: Error executing poll

Relevant info in ec2_driver.conf:

        region_name: eu-west-1
        access_key_id: STRING
        secret_access_key: ANOTHER_STRING
            t1.micro: 1

I added the "t1.micro: 1".

This is opennebula 4.6 beta. Any hints?

Gr. Stefan

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