
I observed a problem with two OpenNebula setups, that I set up with version
4.4 and which I upgraded to 4.6 some weeks ago: The VM monitoring
information does not seem to be deleted from the database (MySQL) after

I have a sandbox for testing issues: A single machine (both frontend and
host) with a single virtual machine, that runs 24/7. When I upgraded
OpenNebula 4.4 to 4.6, the SQL-Dump created by "onedb upgrade" was 3.6 MB
big (perfectly okay for such a small setup). Today, when I dumped the DB,
the backup file is 176 MB in size. Wondering about the size, I inspected
the database and found ~77k rows in the "vm_monitoring" table. Obviously,
OpenNebula writes rows into this table every few seconds without ever
deleting anything.

I didn't change VM_MONITORING_EXPIRATION_TIME in oned.conf (it was
commented out), so it should delete old values after 4h. I manually set
VM_MONITORING_EXPIRATION_TIME to 14400 as well as other values: No effect,
the DB continues to inflate.

Meanwhile, Sunstone begins to become unresponsible when I open the details
of a VM. I believe this is due to generating the CPU and memory graphs
which has to process several ten thousands of rows.

Did I miss some setting or is this a bug?

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