
We tried to update to 4.6.2 from 4.6.0-1 (Debian Wheezy system with
packages obtained from opennebula.org), and MySql database. The
opennebula database wasn't upgraded (no "onedb upgrade..."), as it
wasn't needed, as stated in the upgrade instructions.

The upgrade went apparently well, but when we tried to start a vm via
sunstone it got stuck in "boot" state, even when we checked with "onevm
top". But this wasn't the real state as we were able to connect to the
vm vía ssh (so, the vm was really running).

Looking to the logs, we saw lots of messages like:

Tue Jun 17 13:15:17 2014 [ONE][E]: SQL command was: REPLACE INTO
vm_monitoring (vmid, last_poll, body),...
... (lots of stuff)... error 1205 : Lock wait timeout exceeded; try
restarting transaction

Moreover, when we noticed that , after stopping opennebula, a
"/etc/init.d/mysql stop" needed a couple of minutes (instead of just a
few seconds).

We went back to 4.6.0 and both problems dissapeared.

Is this a known problem with the update? Are we missing something? Any

Thank you for your help.
Best regards.

Fernando Durá Colomina                          e-mail: fernando.d...@uv.es 
Servei d'Informàtica; Univ.de València             Tel: +34 96 354 43 10
E-46100 Burjassot (Valencia) - SPAIN    

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