Hello everyone.
My name is Sebastian. I'm new to this list and tho I've been a sysadmin for
several years now, I've only recently dived into Cloud Computing.
I have successfully installed OpenNebula 4.4 on a local computer behind a
firewall at my university. I set up two nodes and another dedicated
computer as a NFS datastore.
The plan is to provide my research group with the IAAS that OpenNebula
brings to the table.
At the moment, I'm dealing with an issue I haven't been able to solve, and
perhaps some of you could throw me a hint.
My university assigned me over 100 public ip addresses to provide each VM.
If I were to plug the cable directly to the OpenNebula box, then I know I
could create my templates with public ip addresses and then everything
should be fine. The problem is that I have a firewall in the middle,
managing all the public ips, and my OpenNebula box is on a LAN behind that
Is there an easy (and safe) way to assign public ips and pass tru the
iptables on the firewall? I mean... the only solution I came up with was to
modify the deploy script on the OpenNebula box to connect to the firewall
and modify the iptables rules regarding the particular VM I'm trying to
deploy. That's not a very happy solution.
Thanks in advance.

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