Hi Tino,

Thanks for responding. You can rename the datastores from the vSphere client to 
0 and 1, however, that is not how they're named on the file system, on the file 
system they look like this:

$ ls -al /vmfs/volumes/ | egrep "0 -> | 1 -> "
lrwxr-xr-x    1 root     0                    17 Jun 26 15:05 0 -> 
lrwxr-xr-x    1 root     0                    17 Jun 26 15:05 1 -> 

$ df -m | egrep '35c16500|df402f02'
nfs                      10078      1877      7689  20% 
nfs                      10078      1877      7689  20% 

They're symlinked, which is no good for OpenNebula because the monitor script 
 on line 67 is checking df, but df is using the actual mount path, not a 

I do have some esx 5+ hosts to try mounting my NFS exports on to see if they 
are mounted differently. If that doesn't work, I'll simply change that line 67 
to something like this:

DF_STR=\$($DF -m | grep `ls -al /\`echo $BASE_PATH | awk '{split($0,a,"/"); 
print a[2], a[3]}' | sed -e 's/ /\//g'\` | grep " -> \`echo $BASE_PATH | awk 
'{split($0,a,"/"); print a[4]}'\`" | awk '{print $11}'` | sed -e 's/ \+/:/g')

Which I don't want to do, but should get the expected output.



 From: Tino Vazquez <cvazq...@c12g.com>
To: Brad <ts...@yahoo.com> 
Cc: "users@lists.opennebula.org" <users@lists.opennebula.org> 
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2014 2:42 AM
Subject: Re: [one-users] Help with ESX UUIDs with OpenNebula

Hi Brad,

>These are failing because the ESX host is mounting NFS using the uuid that's 
>generated from the signature. I tried searching
>the list, but I'm not sure how others are dealing with this. I notice the 
>documentation says that it needs to be mounted with
>datastore ID only; e.g. /vmfs/volumes/0 and /vmfs/volumes/1, however, I've 
>found no way to get the ESX host to actually do

OpenNebula supports ESX 5.x, so it may be a good idea to update. In
any case, it should work in ESX 4.x as well, can't you name the NFS
based datastore as "0" and "1"? What error is it giving? If there are
errors, you can try creating it with a different name and then
renaming it.

Hope it helps,


OpenNebula - Flexible Enterprise Cloud Made Simple

Constantino Vázquez Blanco, PhD, MSc
Senior Infrastructure Architect at C12G Labs
www.c12g.com | @C12G | es.linkedin.com/in/tinova

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On 25 June 2014 20:10, Brad <ts...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I just started using OpenNebula and was following the quickstart guide when
> I hit a snag. When I run onedatastore show <ID>, I see under DATASTORE
> CAPACITY that TOTAL/FREE/USED are all 0M. I then executed
> /var/lib/one/remotes/datastore/vmfs/monitor with the arguments found in
> /var/log/one/oned.log after breaking the monitor script; I then executed it
> with bash -x. I saw the problem immediately:
> USED_MB=$(du -sLm /vmfs/volumes/1 2>/dev/null | cut -f1)
> DF_STR=$(df -m | grep /vmfs/volumes/1 | sed -e '\''s/ \+/:/g'\'')
> These are failing because the ESX host is mounting NFS using the uuid that's
> generated from the signature. I tried searching the list, but I'm not sure
> how others are dealing with this. I notice the documentation says that it
> needs to be mounted with the datastore ID only; e.g. /vmfs/volumes/0 and
> /vmfs/volumes/1, however, I've found no way to get the ESX host to actually
> do this. As I'm working with an existing (large-ish) cluster, I'd also like
> to avoid screwing anything up for others, so any suggestions will be
> appreciated.
> Right now I'm working on getting it to be this instead:
> DF_STR=$(df -m | grep `ls -al /vmfs/volumes/ | grep " 1 -> " | awk '{print
> $11}'`| sed -e '\''s/ \+/:/g'\'')
> This seems ham fisted to me, and I'm hoping there's some option in
> VMware/OpenNebula I'm missing somewhere.
> If this is a version issue, I think I'll be moving from the 4.x to 5.x on
> all of my ESX hosts at some point next week.
> Thanks!
> Brad
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