Hi Leszek,

I've faced a similar problem with kvm virtualization (floating ip for HA
not working at all), and the origin was the network filtering rules
applied by libvirt at the host level. Setting the NIC option in
/etc/one/vmm_exec/vmm_exec_kvm.conf to

NIC = [ model="virtio" ]

instead of my previous value

NIC     = [ filter = "clean-traffic", model="virtio" ]

to remove the filter = "clean-traffic" solved the problem.

Maybe your problem is related to this libvirt network filtering mechanism.

Best regards,

El 11/07/14 13:55, Leszek Master escribió:
> Hello. I've got problem with adding secondary ip to my VM network
> interface. If i add ip using:
> ip a a <> brd
> dev eth0
> it won't resolve to pings. I used tcpdump on this interface inside vm
> and it responds to ping, but the response does go to a diffrent mac
> that it should go. By a mistake i found the temporary solution to this
> problem by adding secondary interface to a vm, reboot it, then remove
> secondary interface and reboot second time. Then it works as it should.
> Do anyone had similiar problem ? How can i repair that to get
> secondary ip working normally without adding and removing interfaces?
> Best regards.
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