
We would like to create a few templates with persistent images so they
can be shared with a group of users, so then users can provision new
VM's, each having its own VM with persistent image. The persistent image
is bacause we want that VM's be users personal VM's (aka desktops).

But if I create VM from a template, this VM is using image from template
so when another users wants to create another VM from this template, he
can't because image is in use. If this is correct behaviour I wonder
what is the purpose of this. Can someone explain this?



In the context of Opennebula the persistent image indicates that the changes done after shutting down the VM will return to the image (will be updated).
From the documentation:
"Note that depending on the Datastore type a persistent image can be a link to the original image,
so any modification is directly made on the image."

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