Hi Valentin,

Configure bridges in OVH servers is somewhat tricky. I've done it in the
past (not for OpenNebula, but for XEN VMs running inside an OVH server)
and the problem is the MAC filtering, as Valentin says. You have to add
new MACs from your control panel, and use Failover IPs (not sure if this
is mandatory, i was using these Failover IPs to give public access to my
VMs) . See this docs:



El 18/07/14 08:03, Valentin Bud escribió:
> Hello Pablo,
> On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 6:53 AM, Pablo Hinojosa Nava
> <pablo...@gmail.com <mailto:pablo...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi all,
>     I am having problems trying to set up an OpenNebula host to
>     virtualize with KVM.
>     I have bought a dedicated server with OVH (So You Start) with 1
>     publlc IP.
>     The public IP is on eth0 interface and each time I try to create a
>     Linux bridge (as is suggested during the installation
> http://docs.opennebula.org/4.6/design_and_installation/quick_starts/qs_ubuntu_kvm.html#configure-the-network
>     ) I got frozen the SSH connection.
>     If I edit the file /etc/network/interfaces, then I run
>     /etc/init.d/networking restart and it seems the server does not do
>     anything. If I restart the server with changes made, I cannot
>     recover the connection and I have to reinstall the operating system.
>     If I try to create the bridge by hand, I the same problem
>     (connection lost) when I try to add the bridge to the public
>     network interface (etc0).
>     It seems OVH use Mac Filtering switches, so that could be the reason.
>     I could buy a block of 8 or 16 IPs, but it does not change way to
>     configure OpenNebula.
> If OVH is using MAC Filtering than you cannot bridge eth0 unless you
> create the bridge 
> using the same MAC address as the one eth0 has. Never tried so I just
> suppose it 
> could work.
> You have at least three choices, you can either NAT a private class
> over eth0 and define that
> network in OpenNebula, you can acquire a /29 block, create a bridge,
> set the first public IP
> address on it and define the network in OpenNebula, or a combination
> of both.
> You can choose to use Linux bridge or OpenvSwitch. Either of the two
> are really easy to 
> set up and running. OpenNebula has network drivers for both of them. I
> would choose 
> OpenvSwitch :).
> Best,
> Valentin
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