I've fixed the issue. 
How you can see - there is an empty field cluster:
ID NAME        SIZE   AVAIL CLUSTER      IMAGES   TYPE   DS       TM      
2 files             2.2G   11%   ovz_x64                0             fil       
 fs       ssh
102 default    2.2G   11%          -                      1           img      
fs       lvm
107 system    0M        -              -                      0           sys   
    -        ceph

I added my cluster ovz_x64 into 102 and 107 datastores, and now everything is 
Thank you for your reply!

Tue, 29 Jul 2014 14:57:52 -0300 от Diego M. <thedragonsreb...@hotmail.com>:
>How did you configured your host?
>Do you see it with onehost list? Does it throw any error if you use onehost 
>From: neo...@mail.ru
>To: thedragonsreb...@hotmail.com
>CC: users@lists.opennebula.org
>Subject: Re[2]: [one-users] openvz+opennebula vm stuck in pend
>Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 15:41:12 +0400
>I added system datastore and there is no sched_message "No system datastores 
>found to run VMs" now.
>My onedatastore list looks like this:
>  ID NAME                SIZE AVAIL CLUSTER      IMAGES TYPE DS       TM      
>   2 files               2.2G 11%   ovz_x64           0 fil  fs       ssh
> 102 default             2.2G 11%   -                 1 img  fs       lvm
> 107 system                0M -     -                 0 sys  -        ceph
>Also i've found the next message in /var/log/one/sched.log:
>[SCHED][I]: VM 8: No suitable System DS found for Host: 1. Filtering out host.
>Tue, 29 Jul 2014 08:01:29 -0300 от Diego M. <thedragonsreb...@hotmail.com>:
>>You need a datastore where you can put the VMs you create.
>>Use onedatastore list to list all the datastores available (if any) on your 
>>node (Use it with the oneadmin user). May also your problem is that the 
>>datastore is created but it has no permissions for other users to use it.
>>onedatastore man:  
>>Best regards,
>>From: neo...@mail.ru
>>To: users@lists.opennebula.org
>>Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 13:16:43 +0400
>>Subject: [one-users] openvz+opennebula vm stuck in pend
>>Hi all.
>>First - sorry for my bad english :)
>>I tried to create my own cloud via this guide  
>>I've got a trouble with my VM after creation - it's stuck in pending state:
>>onevm  list 
>>    ID USER     GROUP    NAME            STAT UCPU    UMEM HOST             
>>     6 oneadmin oneadmin SL6 x86_64-0    pend    0      0K              0d 
>>Oned log is ok, but there is one error in Sched log:
>>cat /var/log/one/sched.log | grep '\[\E\]'
>>Mon Jul 28 16:24:51 2014 [SCHED][E]: Cannot contact oned, will retry... 
>>Error: Unable to transport XML to server and get XML response back.  libcurl 
>>failed to execute the HTTP POST transaction, explaining:  couldn't connect to 
>>As far as i inderstand - curl can't connect to host at 2633 port:
>>curl -I localhost:2633
>>HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
>>Content-type: text/html
>>Connection: close
>>Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 21:32:35 UTC
>>Server: Xmlrpc-c_Abyss/1.33.6
>>One daemon listening that port:
>>netstat -lpn | grep 2633
>>tcp        0      0      *                   
>>LISTEN      25869/oned
>>I tryed to find my problem in google and found this -  
>>But i don't understand how set of no_proxy and http_proxy can help.
>>Also i found this message:
>>onevm show 6 | grep 'SCHED_MESSAGE'
>>SCHED_MESSAGE="Mon Jul 28 16:55:03 2014 : No system datastores found to run 
>>What am i doing wrong?
>>С уважением,
>>Мальцев Роман.
Users mailing list
>>Users mailing list
>С уважением,
>Мальцев Роман.

С уважением,
Мальцев Роман.
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