Oh sorry, wrong mailing list. Please ignore the previous message. It
was for the ceph mailing list 

On 2014-08-20 18:41, Pons wrote: 

> Hi
> We monitored two of our osd as down using the ceph osd tree
command. We tried starting it using the following commands but ceph osd
tree command still reports it as down. Please see below for the commands
> command:sudo start ceph-osd id=osd.0
> output: ceph-osd
(ceph/osd.0) stop/pre-start, process 3831
> ceph osd tree output:
> #
id weight type name up/down reweight
> -1 5.13 root default
> -2 1.71
host ceph-node1
> 0 0.8 osd.0 down 0 
> 2 0.91 osd.2 down 0 
> -3 1.71
host ceph-node2
> command: sudo start ceph-osd id=0
> output:
ceph-osd (ceph/0) start/running, process 3887
> ceph osd tree
> # id weight type name up/down reweight
> -1 5.13 root
> -2 1.71 host ceph-node1
> 0 0.8 osd.0 down 0 
> 2 0.91 osd.2
down 0 
> -3 1.71 host ceph-node2
> command: sudo start ceph-osd
> output: ceph-osd (ceph/0) start/running, process 4348
> ceph
osd tree output:
> # id weight type name up/down reweight
> -1 5.22 root
> -2 1.8 host ceph-node1
> 0 0.8 osd.0 down 0 
> 2 0.91 osd.2
down 0 
> Is there any other ways to start an OSD? I'm out of ideas.
What we do is we execute the ceph-deploy activate command to make an OSD
as UP. Is that the right way to do it? We are using ceph version 0.80.4

> Thanks!
> Regards,
> Pons

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