Hello, I have attached those two files

thank you

Il 09/09/2014 12:22, Tino Vazquez ha scritto:
Hi Luca,

Ok, let's see if we can get to the bottom of this issue.

Could you provide the deployment file of the VM? It is placed in the front-end, under /var/lib/one/datastores/<ds_id>/deployment.0, where ds_id is the id of the system datastore (0, by default).

Moreover, the .vmx file created in the ESX host can be of use. This would be placed in the ESX host, under /vmfs/volumes/<image_ds_id>/<vid>/disk.0/one-<vid>.vmx, where image_ds_id is the id of the image datastore, and vid is the id of the virtual machine as seen by OpenNebula.



OpenNebula - Flexible Enterprise Cloud Made Simple

Constantino Vázquez Blanco, PhD, MSc
Senior Infrastructure Architect at C12G Labs
www.c12g.com <http://www.c12g.com> | @C12G | es.linkedin.com/in/tinova <http://es.linkedin.com/in/tinova>

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On 9 September 2014 12:14, Luca Uburti <lubu...@ricca-it.com <mailto:lubu...@ricca-it.com>> wrote:

    Yes, even with an E1000 Nic card type set on the original image,
    once I import it into Opennebula it becomes a Flexible / AMD PCNET.
    I haven't tried installing this driver beforehand on the original
    image, even though I thought the vmware tools would take care of it.


    Il 09/09/2014 11:01, Tino Vazquez ha scritto:
    Hi Luca,

    Have you tried with E1000 model?



    OpenNebula - Flexible Enterprise Cloud Made Simple

    Constantino Vázquez Blanco, PhD, MSc
    Senior Infrastructure Architect at C12G Labs
    www.c12g.com <http://www.c12g.com> | @C12G |
    es.linkedin.com/in/tinova <http://es.linkedin.com/in/tinova>

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    you for your cooperation.

    2014-09-09 9:13 GMT+02:00 Luca Uburti <lubu...@ricca-it.com


        I tried importing a preexisting Vmware Windows2008r2 image
        into Opennebula, however I have no network connectivity.
        In device manager I see an unknown ethernet controller with a
        yellow exclamation mark. The hardware ID is
        "pci/ven_1022&dev_2000&subsys_20001022&rev_10" which looks
        like an AMD PCNET card. Inside the Esxi host I see the
        network card is configured as Flexible.

        In the original image I tried to use both a flexible and
        Vmxnet3 network card, but as soon as I import it into
        Opennebula I always get this old/incompatible network card.
        I also tried reinstalling the latest Vmware tools in the
        original image to no effect.

        Thank you for your help

-- Dott. Luca Uburti
        lubu...@ricca-it.com <mailto:lubu...@ricca-it.com>

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<domain type='vmware'>
                <type arch='i686'>hvm</type>
                <disk type='file' device='disk'>
                        <source file='[0] 32/disk.0/disk.vmdk'/>
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                        <source file='[0] 32/disk.1.iso'/>
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                <interface type='bridge'>
                        <source bridge='one-pg-2'/>
                        <mac address='02:00:0a:de:01:01'/>
                <graphics type='vnc' listen='' port='5932'/>
.encoding = "UTF-8"
config.version = "8"
virtualHW.version = "8"
guestOS = "other"
uuid.bios = "85 c7 b1 a9 69 e8 00 fe-54 cc 8a 93 ee b6 13 2d"
displayName = "one-32"
memsize = "1024"
numvcpus = "2"
RemoteDisplay.vnc.enabled = "true"
RemoteDisplay.vnc.port = "5932"
RemoteDisplay.vnc.ip = ""
ide0:0.present = "true"
ide0:0.deviceType = "disk"
ide0:0.fileName = "/vmfs/volumes/4eb5bc17-ab1dd63f/32/disk.0/disk.vmdk"
ide0:1.present = "true"
ide0:1.deviceType = "cdrom-image"
ide0:1.fileName = "/vmfs/volumes/4eb5bc17-ab1dd63f/32/disk.1.iso"
ethernet0.present = "true"
ethernet0.networkName = "one-pg-2"
ethernet0.connectionType = "bridged"
ethernet0.addressType = "static"
ethernet0.address = "02:00:0A:DE:01:01"
ethernet0.checkMACAddress = "false"
svga.vramSize = "4194304"
extendedConfigFile = "one-32.vmxf"
virtualHW.productCompatibility = "hosted"
floppy0.present = "FALSE"
floppy1.present = "FALSE"
ethernet0.pciSlotNumber = "-1"
tools.syncTime = "FALSE"
uuid.location = "56 4d ef df 7a a0 6e fb-43 98 55 17 c9 11 3b 8e"
vc.uuid = "50 03 9c 3a 09 c0 4e 6e-65 e2 01 59 bb 0b be 94"
cleanShutdown = "FALSE"
replay.supported = "FALSE"
sched.swap.derivedName = 
replay.filename = ""
ide0:0.redo = ""
hostCPUID.0 = "0000000a756e65476c65746e49656e69"
hostCPUID.1 = "000006f6000208000004e3bdbfebfbff"
hostCPUID.80000001 = "00000000000000000000000120100800"
guestCPUID.0 = "0000000a756e65476c65746e49656e69"
guestCPUID.1 = "000006f100010800800022010fabfbff"
guestCPUID.80000001 = "00000000000000000000000120100800"
userCPUID.0 = "0000000a756e65476c65746e49656e69"
userCPUID.1 = "000006f6000208000004e3bdbfebfbff"
userCPUID.80000001 = "00000000000000000000000120100800"
evcCompatibilityMode = "TRUE"
vmotion.checkpointFBSize = "4194304"
softPowerOff = "FALSE"
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