
What are you try to achieve??  Are you trying to expose the IB network to the 
virtual machines using RDMA/VERBS?


From: Users [users-boun...@lists.opennebula.org] on behalf of Galimba 
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2014 5:07 PM
To: users@lists.opennebula.org
Subject: [one-users] Infiniband, nodes and VMs

I've been given the task to step up our game and connect a few nodes tru 
infiniband. This meaning: we've been working over gigabit ethernet this far, 
but now we want our ONE nodes hosting the VMs to be interconected tru IP over 
infiniband. We have the hardware to do so, but I must confess I lack the 
expertise to pull this off.

I've been googling around a bit and found a couple of links. Even tho I think 
the answers to both my questions are there (yes, it's possible, and no it's not 
that hard).


I know little about infiniband, so here are a few questions I started with:
1) Is it hard to get the VMs to work with eachother over infiniband? I mean, if 
I have a client who wants his VMs to trade messages at really fast speed. I'd 
like them to be able to create VMs that work on a specific infiniband network 
at high speed.

2) Is it easy to configure the hosts to deliver the images back and forth over 
infiniband? This would really speed up the deploy.

3) Is someone using this setup? I mean, using a hardware interface shared 
between both the nodes and the vms.

I'd apreciate any input you guys can give me =)

best regards


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