Quoting Amier Anis (myma...@gmail.com):
> Dear Team,
> I need some advise how do i cater this. We have plan to migrate all vmware
> vm to kvm vm as our opennebula implementation using kvm.

Are these only linux VM's or also Windows? Windows doesn't like changes
in hardware. You might have to boot Windows in a special "new hardware,
check if you've drivers for them" kinda mode to be able to use the qemu
hardware. Make sure you define a qemu machine type with a fixed version.
If you upgrade qemu/kvm later on, you will get similar issues you might
encounter while migrating from VMware to KVM. Linux doesn't care. At
least I haven't run into trouble migrating even older vm's to new

> I would like to know how the best i can move this vmware to kvm.
> I my mind, I make the converting from vmware to qcow2 image and then upload
> via sunstone as image and run as persistent. Is that the correct way.

You can even run VMDK images with qemu but you don't have snapshot
possibilty in the future. Uploading them through sunstone will almost
certainly not work. I've not been able to upload images > 4 GB. I would
scp / cp them to a nfs share that the frontend (opennebula daemon is
running on) has access too. Then create an image through sunstone with
"path" options, where the path is where your image is located. But, the
image will be copied to the final datastore location. I would recommend
the following:

Create all the images / templates in Sunstone beforehand with correct
names, sizes and types. They will be created as qcow2 images and won't
occupy any storage. While migrating / converting to qcow2 set the path
of the conversion to the path of the image. After the conversion has
finished (make sure permissions are those of oneadmin) you will be able
to instantiate your vm.

Good luck!

Gr. Stefan

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