I think I see what went wrong by looking at the documentation.
The value as shown in onehost show -x
is now labeled FREE_MEM instead of FREEMEMORY.
(The current docs also correctly show the variable as FREE_MEM).
I will edit my template and see if that has an effect.

Also it looks like RANK is deprecated in favor of SCHED_RANK
and SCHED_DS_RANK is that correct?

Any way short of a text editor and onetemplate update to
fix all the legacy templates that have it wrong?

Steve Timm

On Thu, 30 Oct 2014, Ruben S. Montero wrote:

Hi Steven,
This should be working as long it is in the host information. Could you send
the onehost show -x for one of the hosts? (You can send it to me offlist if
there is any sensible information).

The Rank expression is supposed to work with any variable under the
following XPaths:




On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 10:34 PM, Steven Timm <t...@fnal.gov> wrote:

      Under OpenNebula 3 we have been using RANK=FREEMEMORY
      to launch the next virtual machine on the hypervisor which
      has the most memory available at the time.  I am using the
      same in OpenNebula 4.8 but it does not appear to be working,
      even though FREEMEMORY is still a documented selection variable
      in the requirements section.  In particular
      all the RANKS of the machines show up as "0" in the sched.log
      when you look at the allocation cycle and there is no
      variable reported in the output of
      onehost show xxxx
      under opennebula 4.8.

      Are there other selection variables which could have
      the same desired effect, i.e. a horizontal fill of the cloud?

      Steve Timm

      Steven C. Timm, Ph.D  (630) 840-8525
      t...@fnal.gov  http://home.fnal.gov/~timm/
      Fermilab Scientific Computing Division, Scientific Computing
      Services Quad.
      Grid and Cloud Services Dept., Associate Dept. Head for Cloud
      Users mailing list

Ruben S. Montero, PhD
Project co-Lead and Chief ArchitectOpenNebula - Flexible Enterprise Cloud
Made Simple
www.OpenNebula.org | rsmont...@opennebula.org | @OpenNebula

Steven C. Timm, Ph.D  (630) 840-8525
t...@fnal.gov  http://home.fnal.gov/~timm/
Fermilab Scientific Computing Division, Scientific Computing Services Quad.
Grid and Cloud Services Dept., Associate Dept. Head for Cloud Computing
Users mailing list

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