
Please forgive me if this question has been asked before. I am tasked with upgrading our security lab from VMware Lab manager ( now end of life) to vCloud Director/Suite, which is being replaced with vCAC. My time line is 4 weeks.

A little back ground, our security lab consists on 9 servers running VMs.

- 9 x servers for the students to run their VMs (Linux and Windows) to explore security exploits and vulnerabilities. These 9 servers consists on 6 x whitebox Xeon 5650, 2.67Ghz, 16GB and 3 x Dell R410, 5675, 3.06Ghz, 32GB

- 1 x services server running AD, DNS and DHCP (Windows Server)

- 1 x NFS server (12 x 900GB 10K SAS drives)

When the lab is running it is disconnected from our network :) . Students access their VMs by using a KVM (Raritan) to connect to a Windows PC, where they run vSphere client to connect to their VMs (via vCenter) on a private internal network.

Since we are upgrading and with all the cloud talk, I wanted to see if there was something that didn't need as much work as vCloud Director or vCAC.

Our Students are just working with VMs and virtual networks. At the end of the course they connect their separate networks and probe each others network.

Our department is a member of VMware Academic Program (VMAP), for a yearly fee we get access to

- VMware Workstation
- VMware Fusion
- VMware vCloud Suite Standard
- VMware vSphere Enterprise
- VMware vCenter Server Standard
- VMware vCloud Director

I was wondering if OpenNebula can help in anyway, or am I just better working with VMware.

Thank you for taking the time

Paul Griffith
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