The problem seems to be generated by a connection problem from the driver
to OpenNebula itself.

Can you change the file /var/lib/one/ruby/opennebula/ldap_auth.rb and
around line 89 change the code:

        client =
        group_pool =


        client =
        group_pool =

After that enable mapping_generate and send me the output of the error. You
can leave that code changed as it only adds more information to errors.


On Thu Dec 11 2014 at 5:41:26 PM Peter Harris <>

> Thanks Javier
> Output from onegroup list -x
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>   <GROUP>
>     <ID>0</ID>
>     <NAME>oneadmin</NAME>
>     <TEMPLATE/>
>     <USERS>
>       <ID>0</ID>
>       <ID>1</ID>
>     </USERS>
>   </GROUP>
>   <QUOTAS>
>     <ID>0</ID>
>     <VM_QUOTA/>
>     <IMAGE_QUOTA/>
>   </QUOTAS>
>   <GROUP>
>     <ID>1</ID>
>     <NAME>users</NAME>
>     <TEMPLATE/>
>     <USERS>
>       <ID>2</ID>
>     </USERS>
>       <ZONE_ID>0</ZONE_ID>
>   </GROUP>
>   <QUOTAS>
>     <ID>1</ID>
>     <VM_QUOTA/>
>     <IMAGE_QUOTA/>
>   </QUOTAS>
>     <VM_QUOTA/>
>     <IMAGE_QUOTA/>
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> my /etc/one/auth/ldap_auth.conf
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>     # Ldap authentication method
>     :auth_method: :simple
>     # Ldap server
>     :host:
>     :port: 389
>     # Uncomment this line for tsl conections
>     #:encryption: :simple_tls
>     # base hierarchy where to search for users and groups
>     :base: 'cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=lab,dc=mycompany,dc=com'
>     # group the users need to belong to. If not set any user will do
>     #:group: 'cn=cloud,ou=groups,dc=domain'
>     # field that holds the user name, if not set 'cn' will be used
>     :user_field: 'uid'
>     # for Active Directory use this user_field instead
>     #:user_field: 'sAMAccountName'
>     # field name for group membership, by default it is 'member'
>     #:group_field: 'member'
>     # user field that that is in in the group group_field, if not set 'dn'
> will be used
>     #:user_group_field: 'dn'
>     # Generate mapping file from group template info
>     #:mapping_generate: true
>     :mapping_generate: false
>     # Seconds a mapping file remain untouched until the next regeneration
>     :mapping_timeout: 300
>     # Name of the mapping file in OpenNebula var diretory
>     :mapping_filename: server1.yaml
>     # Key from the OpenNebula template to map to an AD group
>     :mapping_key: GROUP_DN
>     # Default group ID used for users in an AD group not mapped
>     :mapping_default: 1
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> I can confirm that setting mapping_generate to false allows my user to get
> in, many thanks for that.
> I currently have vm groups configured in IPA, but happy enough to manage
> these groups in OpenNebula if the group mapping for FreeIPA is problematic.
> Thanks again
> Peter
> On 11 December 2014 at 09:12, Javier Fontan <>
> wrote:
>> There seems to be a problem getting the groups from OpenNebula. Can you
>> send us the output of:
>> onegroup list -x
>> To fix the problem you can disable mapping generation adding this line to
>> the server configuration:
>> :mapping_generate: false
>> Cheers
>> On Mon Dec 08 2014 at 3:55:46 PM Mr Sensible <>
>> wrote:
>>> I am struggling a little bit with hooking my test OpenNebula in to my
>>> existing FreeIPA authentication domain.
>>> I am currently running OpenNebula 4.10.1 running on Centos 6.5, and I am
>>> trying to connect it to my existing FreeIPA 3.0.0 server.
>>> I currently have three services authenticating via ldap to the IPA
>>> server, so I "think" that bit is right.
>>> When I install opennebula for the first time, get everything setup, add
>>> the ldap authentication config, everything looks OK. I create a user in
>>> Sunstone, set the auth method to LDAP, and then successfully sign in to
>>> Sunstone. Happy face.
>>> I change the user to oneadmin group in Sunstone.
>>> The following day, I am no longer able to log in as that user, and no
>>> amount of deleting user and re-adding user seems to make any difference.
>>> I have also tried NOT creating the user via sunstone, and just logging
>>> in, same errors.
>>> Does anybody have any idea what I might be doing wrong, or even where I
>>> can look to figure what is not working? Config and log files below. Many
>>> thanks in advance.
>>> ------------------------------
>>> oned.conf
>>> ---------------------------
>>> AUTH_MAD = [
>>>      executable = "one_auth_mad",
>>>      authn = "ssh,x509,ldap,default,server_cipher,server_x509"
>>> ]
>>> ------------------------------
>>> ldap_auth.conf
>>> ----------------------------
>>> server 1:
>>>      # Ldap authentication method
>>>      :auth_method: :simple
>>>      # Ldap server
>>>      :host:
>>>      :port: 389
>>>      # Uncomment this line for tsl conections
>>>      #:encryption: :simple_tls
>>>      # base hierarchy where to search for users and groups
>>>      :base: 'cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=lab,dc=company,dc=com'
>>>      # group the users need to belong to. If not set any user will do
>>>      #:group: 'cn=users,cn=accounts'
>>>      # field that holds the user name, if not set 'cn' will be used
>>>      :user_field: 'uid'
>>>   :order:
>>>       - server 1
>>> ------------------------------
>>> oned.log
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][ReM][D]: Req:8640 UID:-1 GroupPoolInfo
>>> invoked
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][ReM][E]: Req:8640 UID:- GroupPoolInfo
>>> result FAILURE [GroupPoolInfo] User couldn't be authenticated, aborting
>>> call.
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][AuM][D]: Message received: LOG I 1 Command
>>> execution fail: /var/lib/one/remotes/auth/ldap/authenticate peter.harris
>>> - ****
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][AuM][I]: Command execution fail:
>>> /var/lib/one/remotes/auth/ldap/authenticate peter.harris - ****
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][AuM][D]: Message received: LOG I 1 Trying
>>> server server 1
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][AuM][I]: Trying server server 1
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][AuM][D]: Message received: LOG I 1
>>> Exception raised authenticating to LDAP
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][AuM][I]: Exception raised authenticating
>>> to LDAP
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][AuM][D]: Message received: LOG I 1
>>> #<NoMethodError: undefined method `children' for nil:NilClass>
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][AuM][I]: #<NoMethodError: undefined method
>>> `children' for nil:NilClass>
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][AuM][D]: Message received: LOG I 1
>>> /usr/lib/one/ruby/opennebula/xml_element.rb:357:in `build_hash'
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][AuM][I]:
>>> /usr/lib/one/ruby/opennebula/xml_element.rb:357:in `build_hash'
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][AuM][D]: Message received: LOG I 1
>>> /usr/lib/one/ruby/opennebula/xml_element.rb:341:in `to_hash'
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][AuM][I]:
>>> /usr/lib/one/ruby/opennebula/xml_element.rb:341:in `to_hash'
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][AuM][D]: Message received: LOG I 1
>>> /usr/lib/one/ruby/opennebula/ldap_auth.rb:93:in `generate_mapping'
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][AuM][I]:
>>> /usr/lib/one/ruby/opennebula/ldap_auth.rb:93:in `generate_mapping'
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][AuM][D]: Message received: LOG I 1
>>> /usr/lib/one/ruby/opennebula/ldap_auth.rb:69:in `initialize'
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][AuM][I]:
>>> /usr/lib/one/ruby/opennebula/ldap_auth.rb:69:in `initialize'
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][AuM][D]: Message received: LOG I 1
>>> /var/lib/one/remotes/auth/ldap/authenticate:69:in `new'
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][AuM][I]:
>>> /var/lib/one/remotes/auth/ldap/authenticate:69:in `new'
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][AuM][D]: Message received: LOG I 1
>>> /var/lib/one/remotes/auth/ldap/authenticate:69
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][AuM][I]:
>>> /var/lib/one/remotes/auth/ldap/authenticate:69
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][AuM][D]: Message received: LOG I 1
>>> /var/lib/one/remotes/auth/ldap/authenticate:59:in `each'
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][AuM][I]:
>>> /var/lib/one/remotes/auth/ldap/authenticate:59:in `each'
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][AuM][D]: Message received: LOG I 1
>>> /var/lib/one/remotes/auth/ldap/authenticate:59
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][AuM][I]:
>>> /var/lib/one/remotes/auth/ldap/authenticate:59
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][AuM][D]: Message received: LOG I 1 Could
>>> not authenticate user peter.harris
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][AuM][I]: Could not authenticate user
>>> peter.harris
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][AuM][D]: Message received: LOG I 1
>>> ExitCode: 255
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][AuM][I]: ExitCode: 255
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][AuM][D]: Message received: AUTHENTICATE
>>> FAILURE 1 -
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][AuM][E]: Auth Error:
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][ReM][D]: Req:6320 UID:-1 UserInfo invoked
>>> , -1
>>> Mon Dec  8 13:24:50 2014 [Z0][ReM][E]: Req:6320 UID:- UserInfo result
>>> FAILURE [UserInfo] User couldn't be authenticated, aborting call.
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