It's possible they have already updated the puppet module.. we checked it out some time ago. I will check to see if the puppet module on github
has the same problems as the version we have.

Steve Timm

On Wed, 14 Jan 2015, Martin Alfke wrote:

Hi Steven,

can you please file a bug report (and maybe a PR) against the puppet module on 
Many thanks,


On 13 Jan 2015, at 22:55, Steven Timm <> wrote:

It appears that the sunstone-views.yaml and admin.yaml
put in by the puppet module are not compatible with opennebula 4.8.
Once I find the files from the unmodified rpms
and put them in their place then sunstone works just fine.

Steve Timm

On Tue, 13 Jan 2015, Steven Timm wrote:

I mentioned earlier the problem that the sunstone-server.log
and econe-server.log don't rotate properly with logrotate.
Now I have another problem, this is again with OpenNebula 4.8
Opennebula (as installed via the puppet module made by epost)
doesn't bring up sunstone correctly.  All I see is what is in
the attachment, namely the left hand menu and nothing else.
None of the menu options work, and the browser (both safari
and firefox) keeps on reloading it about every 15 seconds).

Have seen some stuff online that this has to do with the sunstone-views.yaml 
but my sunstone-views.yaml are identical to
another working installation.

Anyone who has seen this problem before please let me know.
These are blockers to being able to move the rest of
my production off of OpenNebula 3.2 to the 4.x series.

Steve Timm

Steven C. Timm, Ph.D  (630) 840-8525
Office:  Wilson Hall room 804
Fermilab Scientific Computing Division,
Scientific Computing Facilities Quadrant.,
Experimental Computing Facilities Dept.,
Project Lead for Virtual Facility Project.

Steven C. Timm, Ph.D  (630) 840-8525
Office:  Wilson Hall room 804
Fermilab Scientific Computing Division,
Scientific Computing Facilities Quadrant.,
Experimental Computing Facilities Dept.,
Project Lead for Virtual Facility Project.

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Steven C. Timm, Ph.D  (630) 840-8525
Office:  Wilson Hall room 804
Fermilab Scientific Computing Division,
Scientific Computing Facilities Quadrant.,
Experimental Computing Facilities Dept.,
Project Lead for Virtual Facility Project.

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